It's New Year's Day 2011
Hi there, This won't be like the last posts, but please read. For the past weeks, God has taken me into some specifics of His Word. I believed I knew these passages, but not in the light of God and His wisdom. He has taken me into 1, 2, 3 John and Jude. I have read over these for the past week and ready to really start tearing into them. One word that continues to strike me, Abide. So, let's take a look at what this word means- it's so easy! Fellowship and intimacy and remain with Christ. Wow! When you have just met someone that you really desire to know, what are the things that you do to get to know them? You call them, you google them, you facebook them, and you really have a strong desire to get to know them better. So how do you get to know Jesus better? Get yourself a good Bible. A study Bible that explains some of the passages help, but again that is someone's opinion of the Word. ...