what in the world?
What is going on in the world? Lots to be sure of and lots you can not see unless you look at the other hand. The news doesn't tell you everything, but you can be sure there are people jockeying into position to push things through. As the news tells you of the horrids of Japan, it is horrible, but they are passing things through that no one is aware of. http://www.senate.gov/pagelayout/legislative/g_three_sections_with_teasers/legislative_home.htm Just take a peek inside and see if you find something you didn't know about. I'm just saying, keep an eye on the other hand. So, have you enjoyed the blog? Are you ready for more of the prayers and teachings? I won't have any travel logs for a while, we leave here from Milton FL and head to the dealer for some trailer repairs and then head into the Smoky Mtns for a month. Most of the time in the Mtns will be God time and not necessarily our time. We have committed to prayer and searching...