what in the world?

What is going on in the world?  Lots to be sure of and lots you can not see unless you look at the other hand.  The news doesn't tell you everything, but you can be sure there are people jockeying into position to push things through.  As the news tells you of the horrids of Japan, it is horrible, but they are passing things through that no one is aware of.  http://www.senate.gov/pagelayout/legislative/g_three_sections_with_teasers/legislative_home.htm

Just take a peek inside and see if you find something you didn't know about.

I'm just saying, keep an eye on the other hand.

So, have you enjoyed the blog?  Are you ready for more of the prayers and teachings? 

I won't have any travel logs for a while, we leave here from Milton FL and head to the dealer for some trailer repairs and then head into the Smoky Mtns for a month.  Most of the time in the Mtns will be God time and not necessarily our time.  We have committed to prayer and searching God's heart for our lives. 

We have so many things to be grateful and thankful for during our time here in the Panhandle of Florida.  For God to trust that we would be faithful in obedience to Him and do what He asked us to do and when we did that, He opened up new opportunities to open our hearts to receive more of Him. 

In January, we decided to attend the Revival at Bay of the Holy Spirit in Mobile.
 http://bayoftheholyspiritrevival.com/  take a peek at the archives and if you want to attend this, you can online, it is livestreaming on Friday and Sat. nights. 

It is the type of church we had been to in our previous faith journey, and it was a welcomed feeling of the Holy Spirit's leading.  We have watched many miracles unfold and many life changes in people.  It has been such a blessing and an awakening to the Holy Spirit. 

I wrote before that I am not that much into Dr's, let me share with you a quick story.  A few years ago, we were out camping at a state park in the Omaha area, we were going to cook in the dutch oven- boyscout style - coals underneath it and on top of it and watch it.  As I was coming out of the camper with this heavy laden pot of yummy goodness to be, my flip-flops grapped the gripper strip on the steps and me and the pot fell onto the ground.  I rolled and the pot landed rightside up with it's contents still in tact.  The top of my toe was minus a few layers of skin, my first instinct was to pray for it first and bandage it second.  

I had no pain in this, we bandaged it up and during the night, most of the time you would think it would just throb from pain - nothing!  God healed it!  I didn't hurt at all with it!  

I have had IBS for 25 years, it has sometimes been the most painful on a scale of 1-10, it was a 12 at best.  In fact, it use to send me to the ER for a shot.  But through my life, the stress has left, but the IBS was still a force to be reckoned with.  In the past few months, I have started praying these prayers I have written about and letting go of the past hurts and claiming my body as Holy Ground- we are God's temple after all, and the pain is gone.  I am not attacked like I once was.  Oh I think I have some dark places to shine the light on to complete the mission of attacks but for the first time in 25 years it has not become the center of my life.  

Go back through the archives and pray those prayers.

The next posting will be about the Religious Spirits, very interesting.  Then we will cover some things about letting things/demons go in Jesus Name.

Blessings abound! 


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