
Showing posts from December 14, 2015

Chosen Generation, Royal Priesthood, a HOLY Nation.

As I walked the dog this morning, I asked the Lord what should I write on today.  He gave me the word CHOSEN.  So, I started thumping through my brain for scriptures that had chosen in them.  I came up with a few.  I started to sing, making up the song as I strolled with the dog and came back and ta da here we are.  Do you have your cup of favorite beverage?  Are you ready with your Bible?  It's a bit of a narrow road, so buckle up.  The definition of chosen or choice is: To be preferred or Care in Selecting.  So, in the Word--- are you ready?  Come on, I am waiting.... Okay, let's roll this out. There are 23 scriptures with the word Chosen in the NKJV, but in the NIV there are 38.  Let's go dig.  Oh isn't this fun?  I do believe so.  Posted here are NKJV.   1 Peter 2:9 But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises...