
Showing posts from November 13, 2015

November- A month to be thankful!

Most of us have thought about what we are thankful for... family, food and friends.  But deep down, what are the things you are most thankful for?  How's your year been?  Did you make it through the hardships well?  Did you make it through the joyful times with greater appreciation of where and who you are and created to be?  Did you make it through the year unscathed or with little wear and tear?  Did you make it through at all?  Being Thankful and Grateful are sometimes hard to really see.  Sometimes it's like looking through a looking glass and hard to focus on the little things.  But when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.  Our year has been one of major changes.  How we have survived some of them has made us a lot stronger, some have taken us down a notch.  But it is how we look at them that the depth perception has changed. I know many have seen changes in so much of ...