
Showing posts from February 26, 2011

The winds of change...

We can feel the winds of change coming.  It is already "spring" here in the Panhandle of Florida.  In fact, we already got the first sunburn of the season for us!  Whew, glad that is out of the way! Seriously, a few church positions have opened up and though I wrote that I wasn't sure I wanted to be back in a stick and brick, my soul has so missed it.  I miss the kids, the parents, the crazy starts of the early Sunday Morning.  I miss the praying over my "kids" and their families and the volunteers.  I miss so much of it.  I miss seeing my husband help change young lives for Christ.  Teaching them God's truth. You may be thinking, yeah, it's the paycheck she misses.  Truthfully, I had done this type of job as a volunteer for many years.  Paychecks usually are my least concern, God supplies just enough to make it and though I know many preach prosperity, we are prosperous.  We are rich in the kingdom!  We have Jesus and we k...