Soul talk

When I walk the beach, I am reminded of God's greatness, his great love for us. His design for us and his hopes for us. I walk along and praise him for He is good and His mercy endures forever. Along the shoreline were waves of these beautiful shells and they may all look alike to somebody but they are each unique and they have served a purpose in His kingdom. I see each shell as his handiwork, his architecture, his loveliness, and his creation. Just as they are unique, we are too. Each one of us, even if we have family members we don't or do look like, we are unique and so blessed. His glory is in everything we see, it the sky, in the sea, in the wild, He is with me. He created all that we see as nature. The earth is His and everything in it. In the Beginning God created Heaven and Earth. In the Beginning, was Jesus, and the Word was with God. Have you ever just wondered how all these shells end up on beaches...