I am amazed by the Jesus I love and live for. I am amazed that someone loves me so much that He died for me. He created me in my mother's womb, knows the number of hairs on my head, knows me and my choices before I even make them. I am sure He puts his hands on his head at times and just shakes it! He loves you too. Billy Graham Ministry sent this to my inbox today and I thought it was important to share. On Sunday, Easter Sunday, if you don't have a homechurch, I ask that you go to http://www.bayrevival.org/ and watch at 10:30 central time. Rabbi Curt Landry will be speaking and it will be incredible. Join us at church at http://www.bayrevival.org/ for an anointed service. The Beauty and the Agony of the Cross April 21, 2011 - Jesus Christ died on a rugged cross for our salvation. We do not worship that cross; we worship Christ, who is alive. Yet among all the emblems of the world, the cross is admired with awe and wonder. I f I am li...
Showing posts from April 23, 2011