What's the deal, we have not been around for 3 or 4 weeks. Sit down with your coffee and read on.
Where do I start? This was one of the wedding receptions we had. The bride got married down the road at Montgomery Chapel. Let's start at the beginning. The last I wrote we were struggling with a huge spiritual battle. We have been in battles before but nothing this big, nothing that came close to taking us out. My m-i-l was wonderful through it. She called to find out what was happening and knew the job was causing problems but she didn't know what was really going on. So, here I go. I am not going to cut down anyone in this, so don't be looking for a scandel, it won't be there. I thought the job I was working was ok. It was really hard though because not only was I to write the contracts, meet the people, accommodate the many reunions, weddings, etc... I was to know the job explicitely by the end of two weeks. That was okay too, but when a meeting on Thursday turned violently evil, that left me speechless!...