What's the deal, we have not been around for 3 or 4 weeks. Sit down with your coffee and read on.

Where do I start? 

This was one of the wedding receptions we had.  The bride got married down the road at Montgomery Chapel.

Let's start at the beginning.  The last I wrote we were struggling with a huge spiritual battle.  We have been in battles before but nothing this big, nothing that came close to taking us out.  My m-i-l was wonderful through it.  She called to find out what was happening and knew the job was causing problems but she didn't know what was really going on. 

So, here I go.  I am not going to cut down anyone in this, so don't be looking for a scandel, it won't be there. 

I thought the job I was working was ok.  It was really hard though because not only was I to write the contracts, meet the people, accommodate the many reunions, weddings, etc... I was to know the job explicitely by the end of two weeks.  That was okay too, but when a meeting on Thursday turned violently evil, that left me speechless!  I was in part the reason for it, this piece of paper was the communication sheet for the entire campground, I had no clue.  I knew I used it at the front desk but I didn't know it contained everything needed to run the camp.  The gal that I was replacing- who didn't know I was replacing her because the boss never told her- I did after a day of training with her.  Anyhow, During the meeting, I asked Shirley to help me to explain this paper and then the boss turned on her!  Yelling loudly and it scared both of us.  I don't know about you, but if I mess up, tell me and don't yell!  I was sick the rest of the day.  That was Thursday.  Shirley was then told after the meeting over a radio instead of in person to escort people to their sites.  As soon as he gives this order over the radio, he runs into her and says to go take care of this water that was put into a cooler for a wedding and take it out of the cooler.  I helped her because I knew he was looking for a way to make her quit.  This water was so stuck in this cooler it took both of us to get it out. 
I looked at the order we put in for this wedding and it didn't have water on it.  I dated the note when I turned it in and made copies for our file. 

So, then the boss is on her again after her husband came to defend his wife and himself.  Later that day, boss sits at my desk and sighs deeply and shakes his head, tells me that what he did he had to and that I should tell him when his tone or voice gets too much.  I just sat and stared. 
I had been through abusive marriages and I know a crock of bullfrogs when I hear it.  I just sat and listened. 

The next day, same stuff happens only now to Steve.  Sat. it took it's toll as well.  I had two reunions and a wedding happening and a lot of snide remarks about the colors of peoples skin.  God made all of us, our colors may be different but our insides are the same. 

So, we ended up leaving this park.  It was a tough decision but we had too.  We worked there 2 mo.  We have never left our jobs like this.  We have never just given up, the Lord has always directed our steps and we know know that He ordered our steps to Bryan/College Station TX. 

We did go to Waco to see the oldest daughter, and look what we got in return!

Mary is the dog- Papillion/Shih Tzu and laying on her is Cleo.  He was just 8 weeks old. 

We have met up with old friends and they have become my new friends. 

We have been on a whirlwind of emotions here.  Great fun one too!  We have experienced great joy in watching the Lord work wonder working power in our lives.  We just had to get out from under our own hand to see His Work again.

We began this adventure staying at Bryan Lake in Bryan TX.  We arrived here and because Steve is a retired Power Plant employee he can stay here.  We can get into the park free. 

Here's are first pick of a house, okay ya have to laugh at it.

We have since decided against this.  We have been on many other rabbit trails since this. 

We arrived at church yesterday and amazing this happened!  We were called out and spoken over.  Everything that was spoken was confirmation to what the Lord had been showing and speaking to us.  In this confirmation, Dr. Jay said that we were going to come along side other churches with our ministry and we were going to find the right place to belong. 
We followed Dr. Jay and LaNee to another church in Hearne last night and was offered their pulpit and a chance to do Well Spring Ministry.  God is opening Doors and we are ready. 

Until next time.  May you feel the blessings of the Lord reign down on you in wonderful, new, exciting ways. 


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