We are back

It's been a while right? A lot has happened since the last time. We sold Roonie about 2 years ago. She was a great rig. She took us to places we never dreamt of going. We were in Vidalia LA, Beaver UT, Omaha NE, and Montana a few times. We put about 40,000 miles on her. We crisscrossed America. Highways and Bi-ways, National Parks, and a few state parks. We worked at different KOA's for 7 seasons. Roonie went to a new home and we got Gracie Royale. Gracie had low miles on it and she has not run the US as much yet, but she is gearing up to. Mary passed over the Rainbow Bridge the day after Thanksgiving. We always told her when she was ready, let us know. She did. She was an amazing girl. Mary was prescribed by a doctor in FL. Her story is truly one of a fighter who wanted to live. Life goes on right? With the Sudden death of my son, at the age of 39 a...