We are back

 It's been a while right?  

A lot has happened since the last time.  

We sold Roonie about 2 years ago.  She was a great rig.  She took us to places we never dreamt of going.  We were in Vidalia LA, Beaver UT, Omaha NE, and Montana a few times. We put about 40,000 miles on her.  We crisscrossed America.  Highways and Bi-ways, National Parks, and a few state parks.  We worked at different KOA's for 7 seasons.  

Roonie went to a new home and we got Gracie Royale.  Gracie had low miles on it and she has not run the US as much yet, but she is gearing up to.  

Mary passed over the Rainbow Bridge the day after Thanksgiving.  We always told her when she was ready, let us know.  She did.  She was an amazing girl. Mary was prescribed by a doctor in FL. Her story is truly one of a fighter who wanted to live.   

Life goes on right?  
With the Sudden death of my son, at the age of 39 at the end of February, and the two non-speaking-to-us children we have- one just delivered her final blow, life feels like it has given us a gut punch right in the feels. Those grandbabies they have of ours will never get to meet or see their grandparents or great-grandparents.  The only thing can do is pray.  The hope is lost, it left a few days and years for some.  

As we travel the US, we have seen so much, but it feels less important with the losses right now. 
However, the great adventure continues to lure us on the road.  In spite and despite whatever comes our way.   There is too much to see yet to stop.  
Like the sunset over Port O'Connor, the end of the road in TX.  A fishing village that is non-incorporated and has some great full-time residents and a few RV Parks.  

We had decided to not stay in an RV park this season but to tour TX and it has been exciting, nerve-racking, and fun.  From Amarillo to Fredericksburg: they are so vastly different. We saw supply TRAINS running all through Amarillo and the people there were amazing.  In Fredericksburg, we saw the history of the German people and their tenacity to make it work.  

The owners of the RV park in Pipe Creek at Al's Hideaway are fantastic and welcoming.  
We stayed in Somerville and in Goliad.  Goliad has two mission churches and the walls of the mission and itself were built in the 1700s.  Goliad's history is about the birth of Texas.  "At the site of an Indian village named Santa Dorota, a Spanish mission and presidio were first established at present-day Goliad in 1749. Known as La Bahia in the early 1800s, the town was renamed Goliad in 1829.

After the Battle of Gonzales, the presidio at Goliad was captured in 1835 by the Texans under George Collinsworth and Ben Milam. James Fannin, who occupied the presidio in the spring of 1836, evacuated the post on the order of Sam Houston. However, Fannin and his men were afterward captured and returned as prisoners to the presidio. Under the order of Santa Anna, Fannin and most of his men were executed nearby in an event considered one of the major atrocities of the war with Mexico." https://texasproud.com/goliad-texas-history/

We will make our way to Livingston TX for a few months to gather our cash flow and get our heads back on straight and see what God has planned.  

And we are reminded of the Christmas Joy that abides deep down in our souls for the birth of the promised Savior.  This year we chose not to put up the tree or the decorations because we really wanted to focus on Jesus.  Even though the losses, we count it all joy to be walking with Him in our journey.

This is my grandfather.  He died many years ago and is buried in Custer National Cemetary.  I remember him from when I was a little girl.  We actually lived with him for a year while my dad was overseas.  I attended 1st grade in this town.  


These two traveled well in my seat! Sometimes even the cat joined them.  In our last motorhome, there was a place for Mary to sit, but this one, she really was disoriented the last year and it made her carsick.  So we put her bed on the floor in front of us and she did better.  Peter still insists this IS his seat! 


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