Shekinah Glory falls down
What in the world is Shekinah Glory? It is the Holy Spirit that comes and knocks on the door of your heart and falls all over everyone, sometimes He quiets your mind so much so that God speaks to you, sometimes it feels like a warm heavy blanket that covers you with peace that passes all understanding! Sometimes it is your mouth that exalts the Name of Jesus. It sometimes comes in as a bubble, cloud, peace, or a worship of Jesus. Take a peek at what happened in Sayerville NJ last Friday! Lydia now has a worship CD out and she truly worships the Lord! She brings in the Holy Spirit with all the love and all the glory she has! Here's New Life Church from Co. Springs. This was written after some major things happened in their church, the Pastor scandel, and a shooting on a Sunday morning, this song is OVERCOME, it is powerful! Think about the things you have had t...