
Showing posts from October 27, 2015

Solid Ground, Higher Ground and His Peace

Psalm 42 says "As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God. I thirst for God, the living God.  Where can I go and stand before him? " Psalm 42:11 says "Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again- my Savior and my God!" Psalm 61:1-2 says "O God, Listen to my cry! Hear my Prayer!" In our lives we face so many things, sometimes by the world, sometimes by our own choosing.  Sometimes from things of the past or facing the future.  One thing is for sure, the Lord is a Strong Tower.  We are safe when we are in His presence. How do you get into His presence when you feel so awful or when the things of this world get you down? For some of you that believe in tongues, it works.  Start edifying God in His language and the stress comes off.  Open Your Bible, God's Holy Word, and dig in to Psalms or Isaiah, or anywhere.  Ask the Lord to show you where to go.  Pray- pour ...