Oh James!
This time we will be looking at James chapter 2. My mind is alert, my heart is receptive and I will never be the same, in Jesus' Name. Whether you are a believer, a church goer or non church goer, a non-believer, or just sitting on the fence because you grew up a certain way and you know you should be this way or that, but it doesn't appeal to you or it's "too judgy". Sometimes walking away from what we grew up with in church, can change but changing for a reason other than walking away. We are to be the church not the buildings that we meet in. We should be the light in the darkness, the hope shown in the way we treat each other, the way we view others. As Christ followers, not just fans, but real true followers, we know our Hope and Faith is in the Lord. We know that without HIM there is no life. One day, we will be accountable for the things we believe now whether it's at judgment day or it's when things in our country get worse ...