Waymaker, life changer, Holy GOD and Cancer

 It wasn't what we planned, no one ever plans for a diagnosis that changes their life.  

No one ever wants to hear the C word, no one, not one person I know has ever enjoyed the benefits of that word.  Anyone you know of?  

It changes your perspective, your outlook, your soul.  You begin to really search for the meanings your life gives to yourself and to others.  You look at where you are in your life and where you want to go.  You start to assess the situation around you. You begin to wonder what in the world is going on.  How are we going to afford this, this will break the bank, even WITH insurance!

Once you hit that, you start looking at the right now, the stuff that you HAVE to deal with, the stuff that warrants your attention even though it is a hurry up and then wait, hurry up, and then wait. 

This is where the last blog came from.  Wading/Waiting in the UNTILS. 

You see, our plan was to visit family in one state for a month, then move up to the next state for the summer and come back down.  We see the doctor in my husband's hometown, we have for years.  But this time it was not the news we had hoped for, it was the worst news.  But God is faithful, and we were so blessed to have a Cancer Center 40 minutes away and docs that came to the hospital in town.  As bad as it felt, it was better to be in a smaller area and have great docs to get this taken care of.  The results, we hope they are done.  Radiation has terrible side effects, they are long-lasting.  We are 6 weeks out and still seeing many of those side effects still.  We didn't opt for surgery as this was not the right path for us.  

So, we moved down to where one set of our grandsons are and have been so blessed here.  

Now Let me tell you about my Jesus!  He has always been a huge part of our lives, but watching HIM work wherever we have gone is truly amazing.  

Every campground we had worked in, God filled the slots, overflowing.  The first KOA we worked at, every night it filled up, for the first time ever, he had to put a no vacancy sign up.  The same thing happened at most of the parks we were in.  We knew God showed up.  

Well, where we are now, not in the park but in our grandsons' high school, they have made it to state for the first time in 9 years!  They also came closer than ever to winning their other sports.  Lord, only YOU could be the one behind all this.

Right now our country and other countries are seeing hatred spill into the streets from the hearts of people who have hated Israel for so long. Many do not know why?  They have never sat face to face with the people.  They hear things, they believe things, but they do not know. Many don't even know what the Bible says.  Many are stirred with emotions but emotions are just that, they can lead you to a place of not knowing. 

But GOD is the GOD is Israel, they are HIS People and HE WILL FIGHT FOR THEM.  Just go read Ezekiel and Jeremiah, then head to Revelation.  Your eyes will be opened to what is happening.  

God is Great! 




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