Oh the weather outside is frightful but the season is so delightful...

I could say let it snow, let it snow, let it snow... however, those of you up north are getting blasted and it must be really cold! 

Here in Florida, it isn't all sunny and warm, we have had some terrible weather as well.  But today it is raining.  It was 60% but it is more like 100% at least for the past few hours. 

We are heading to Wales West on Sunday hopefully.  Here is the link http://www.waleswest.com/

This is where we almost took a position for this winter but it just was too much for us.  So, we will go and enjoy it with our grandkids and enjoy the Christ-mas season. 

Our hope is your Christ-mas time is Merry and Blessed and wonderfully warm.  It's not about the toys, the stuff, but it is about the time that you spend with your family. 

Time can't be bought, it can only be given. 


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