Okay, today was suppose to be a travel day. We are to report to Vidalia LA for 3-5 month work camp stint. But, when we saw the forecast for rain and more rain for today, we decided to stay put and wait out the storm. It's pouring out, I do mean buckets and buckets at a time. Along with the lightening and thunder. Even trying to get the "boys" out today was proving tough. Mary went out, but then Cleo and Peter said "NO WAY!", but Peter did have to go out anyway to potty. Mary went and came back in. So, in the last posts, I have asked you a few questions... What is God calling you to do? What are your gifts and talents? Here is a Spiritual Gifts test for free, take it, be honest. It measures your gifts and talents. For some, when you find out what your gift is, you will not be shocked, it will explain exactly what you expected. For some, it may show you something you never thought of. So...
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