It's warmer in Florida today!

Not by much, but it is suppose to reach 75 today, with a chance of rain.  Our lows have been unreal for here; even Miami got really cold.  They said the veggie and fruit prices would go up with this last freeze and it's only December!  Wowzers! 

We have been dripping our water to keep the lines from freezing and running the furnace a little to keep the underbelly warm.  But there's nothing like a nice warm quilt to cover up with and watch a wonderful movie! 

Today is a work day for us.  We work 2 days a week for our site = 10 hours.  So, sitting in Semi-Retirement is not really that much fun at least for me.  I think Steve kinda likes it but that will change when we go to Michigan.  We will work 40 hours each and our site will cost 8 hours each.  I may not put our work pics up from here, they aren't that interesting - we clean commodes, sinks and showers- all important to those using them but not great shots for pics!

On some sites, especially full time rvers, you may find some financial stuff they share with you to help others really understand what is spent every month or what the cost of sites are.
But, I won't bore you with details.  We try to work for our sites plus.  We do have a small income that helps us to pay our bills, but I am not a math head or a genious in figuring all that out. I will leave those that can do it to inform you the best way they can. 

I am also not great at being a travel guide, not a gift that I have but I will share what I can. 

You don't get paid much in this line of work, but oh the places you go and the people you meet and the things you see...

The river walk in OKC...

  There are about 30 of these bronze casts that tell the story of the Great Land Run of 1887.

Along the highway in Montana, in the Lewis and Clark Forest.  About a 1 mile hike to see it.
It's early and they are getting ready to go to school and I, Gramma Jaye, wanted a pic.  Brooke and Fionia, the oldest grand daughters and both 8 yo here.

Until next time...


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