23 degrees but windchill to 20!

Good Cold Morning!  Wherever you are, keep warm!

It's been a wonderful morning hearing from dear friends.  Keeping in touch on the road is an uplifting blessing that is most times very unexpected. 

In our previous world, we were life changers for God.  We helped others see who God is and how much He loves us.  One of the ministries that helped me, was Hillsong Kids.  The church started out with just 40 people, 25 years ago, it is absolutely huge and growing in many nations and countries.  The music is heart and sold out for God.  It's fun and it's lively, it's heart quieting and personal.  They are following God's vision for their church and are changing lives for Christ. 

Here is a link to "Tell the World", it is an incredible song. And yes, we moved like this too!  We knew all these moves to all the songs.  Yep, we moved and grooved for the Lord, just as David danced before the Lord. Didn't know I was so talented did ya!  Oh yeah, thanks to lots of practice and awesome people that helped make it happen!  The first two videos are upbeat, lively and fun. 
This song along with this next one, were some of our favorites in Children's Ministry.

Here is Counting on God, Your Name, and Amazed .  Put your speakers on and enjoy worshiping the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Counting on God and Your Name and Amazed are by New Life Worship from Co. Springs.  They, like Hillsong, have many different leaders and bands that are out and about, Jared Anderson, Desperation Band, Ross Parsley are just a few out of New Life.  The last two are more peaceful and the words speak to your heart.  Allow God to speak to you, quietly and whispering in your heart.  Listen carefully and let the Holy Spirit flow in you. 

We are just hanging out today, studying and enjoying the warmth of the rig and the blankets too! 
Enjoy the videos. 


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