Why we like it!

What makes me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus!

Who can heal all my dis-eases?  Jesus can!

What can bring my life joy?  Obedience to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, Jesus!

We arrived at the Bay of the Holy Spirit Revival on Thursday evening early, like at 5 p.m. and stood in line for the doors to open at 6 p.m.  It was incredible.  We were not sure what to expect, but oh my, we sure have missed wonderful Godly, truthful, faithful, life giving, powerful Godly teaching.  In Hawaii, we had to stand in line to attend services, they may still have to, but for the 6 p.m. service in Hawaii, you had to be in line BY 3 p.m. to get into the service and have a seat!  It was a great time of fellowship, bible reading, learning about others and just fun! 

On this night, it was actually a rebuke to pastors who don't share the faith of Jesus, pastors that are talking but lack the faith that it requires to heal, restore and build up others faith through the Word of God. It was also about more than that, it was about teaching God's Word to everyone!  Did you know your church could have a revival too!  Start teaching the Word, believing the Word, doing the Word, living the Word in your own life and giving your life over to Jesus totally!  John Kilpatrick has been a Christ-follower forever, God is using him in huge ways, but God can use you too and come in and revive your church! Don't just be waiting for the revival, it is right here, right now, just teach God's Word and have faith in the Power of God in healing, speaking in tongues, praising God in spirit and in truth, worship HIM- not just through song- but really worship him- tell Jesus how much you love Him and appreciate Him and adore Him, allow the Holy Spirit to move and allow the Holy Spirit to heal and restore lives!   Did you know if every church in America allowed God to move in with them, allowed God to work in the lives and restored them to His Glory, healed the infirmities, America would be an incredible Gody nation again! It's not about the government, it's about what you allow God to do in your life! Read the Word for yourself, don't take anyone's word for the WORD, what do those scriptures speak to your heart!?  What does it say for you?  Read a Psalm a day for the month, read John, Acts and Romans.  Then take the comparative study of the Gospels and get the different view points from Matthew (Jewish tax collector Jesus was the promised King and Matthew backed it up), Mark, a beautiful storyteller, the interpretor of Peter, he targets the Roman believers and the gentiles. Luke, a physician, and has great knowledge and written personally.  Look at the changes God made in Saul to Paul and the letters to the other churches.  Look at what God can accomplish through one person, He can still accomplish that through you! 

At the end of the music and message, they began to really listen to the Holy Spirit, we began as a corporate prayer for a Pastor's son who was kidnapped in Mexico.  We didn't know the age or any other information about him, but we began to pray for the release of him. We found out later that they released him without the ransom money!  It was an awesome answer to prayer. 

Steve was healed this night as well.  We had a Dr's appt this last Tuesday and Steve's bp was the lowest it has ever been! 112/65!  We get into the Dr. and he began to ask a ton of questions and pulled Steve off of most of his meds!  Along with all this great news, Steve has had an injury on his neck for the past 10 years, it's gone!  A gimpy walk has been restored after 25 years!  It's the power of God who restores our lives!

My ears, that have had some major soreness for the past few years, have been healed.  10 years ago, the Drs wanted to do surgery on my ears, because the tympanic membrane (ear drum) was severly injured.  Having the surgery could not guarantee my hearing would be restored.  It has been only about 40% for many, many years.  It had been damaged because of the german measles at age 6 mo. old. that I had.  My teeth were also damaged by the high fever that the measles brought on and the motorcycle accident that I had at age 16 did not help either.  Anyway, my ear was healed!    But be sure, God is the restorer and He heals.  God is our father and He gives good gifts.  If it ain't good, it's not God. 

Did you know that Jesus gave us offices of ministry and they still hold true?  Take a look in Eph. 4:11

Ephesians 4:11-16 (New King James Version)

11 And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, 12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, 13 till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; 14 that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, 15 but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ— 16 from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love.

Steve and I took our Spiritual gifts test and we thought we knew what our gifts were, but it surprized us.  My top one was Apostle and Steve's was Discernment, both our second and third gifts were Pastor, and Faith. 

We have great faith, we don't doubt, we aren't skeptical, we can discern well.  When we are skeptic, we lack the faith that it takes to believe the best in people and miracles!  Miracles still happen today and so do healings!

Do you believe Jesus healed, can heal and will heal?  If you do, you can be healed too!   

Here is a link to the revival, set aside some time, get your coffee or tea and enjoy the worship, allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you and let go of all the stuff and let God in. 



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