Today is the first day of many more to come - duh!

Dear friends,

I have tried posting something I thought was wonderful, however, I just can't get it to cut and paste and do what I want. 
So I found the link to it.  The letter is from Dave Roberson, Family Prayer Center in Tulsa OK.  This man is an incredible Godly man.  He will spend days with Jesus in the Shekeniah Glory and God will pour out what He wants Dave to teach.  check out March 2011. 

I tried to give you a foretaste of it but it is secured. 

When I went with Steve to the Prayer Center, I was amazed.  It isn't much to look at, the chairs are worn, the carpet is pink and green (green is the prayer line) and it's a little uneven on the floors.  But when you get past that,the worship is true worship- worshipping the King of Kings! The teaching from Dave, Gary Carpenter, Alan Taylor and Mark Jenkins is intensely incredible.  I had never been to a place where men of God devoted their days to listening and praying for guidance.  Dave floats when he speaks, I am not sure if it is literally, but it sure seems that way.  He had spent so much time with the Lord that Dave just moves differently.  His teachings are incredible!  He is praying for revival as well!

This is their words:

About US:

We′re about you.

• About you having a new revelation of how much the Father loves you.
• About you realizing all Jesus did for you.
• About teaching you how to let the Holy Spirit work God′s perfect plan in your life.

Although we cannot do this personally, we have done all we can to make the ministry material of Dave Roberson available to you. We′ve laid out a virtual buffet of audio teachings (mp3 files) and printed material (pdf files) for you to select from, and you can subscribe to receive our most current teaching letters and prophecies.

The teachings and ministry material are based on years and years of prayer, meditating and studying the Word of God, praise and worship, and fasting. Your call might be different than Dave′s, but we can assure you, what the Holy Spirit does for one, he will do for another. He will not give Dave something He would not give you. It′s up to you to secure your foundation and build on it through the grace and power of God, but we′ll give you all we can.

Are you new to the ministry? Start by reading the book, The Walk of the Spirit—The Walk of Power or by listening to the companion teaching series of the same name. Then listen to The Born Again Trail, volumes I and II; Tongues for the Believer; The Basics of Prayer; and The Love Walk.

If you have listened to Dave′s teachings and have already read the book, start meditating on the prophecies. You will sense the anointing while listening to them and you will find much depth while reading them.

A lot of people would like to ask Dave specific questions, but because of the directives he received from the Lord, he is not able to answer questions personally. We also are not staffed to personally answer all of the questions that come in, so we ask that you would check out our FAQ section. We will update this section from time to time with answers to questions we receive. Thank you for understanding.

Seriously, if you want to learn, there is so much out there to learn how to walk in the Lord.  But this walk isn't about the knowledge you attain, it is about the relationship you work on with Jesus.  It's about your heart issues. 

One thing that we have been able to really work on in the past 6 mo. is us.  As open as we want to be, we don't want to face judgement that comes with it.  

We posted the Biblical Freedom Book the other day.  That book as released so many things.  We have been able to go into the deepest, darkest places and clean them out.  Have you ever cleaned out your closet and got rid of stuff that you hadn't seen for years?  That's what cleaning out your thoughts and hurts are like, they are in the darkest, deepest places and you thought you had gotten over it.  Nope, you don't get over it if you just sweep it under the rug or hide it in the closet.  You just can't see it anymore. 

Those hurts fester, those hurts get stuck into the deepest places and demons walk into them and take hold!  They dig in and they don't want to go.  They cause pain, they cause sickness, they cause your body to shut down in many areas.  They cause high blood pressure, they cause IBS, they cause migraines, they cause you not to function the way God designed you to function. 

Tomorrow, I will write out the prayers that will cast all these hurts into the light and you can take care of them with prayer.  When you let it go, it is so incredible freeing!  The devil can not come back in, God tells the devil "this is now Holy Ground"!  What an incredible victory it is!   

Until next time...


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