So last minute but what a blessing!

God is always on time and sometimes the timing isn't always ours.  We have been so very blessed here.

I want to love on a few people that we have worked with here, they have taught us some valuable things and knowledge. 

Jim and Ruth have been full-timers for almost 12 years!  They have enjoyed 43 years of marriage and have 3 grown boys.  Jim is retired Navy and Ruth is truly the funniest comedian!  She has a quip for most things and is real!  They made it fun here for us.  They are on their way up north from FL, through some highways and byways and lots of visiting family and friends. 

Kathy and Jim have been following God for a long time.  They are Pastors and have had life changing experiences and teach wonderfully. 

Pat and Ken have been full-timing for 3 years but retired for a few more than that.  They have taught us how important it is to keep our word.  They will be working up the road from us in Michigan.  We look forward to meeting up with them and really getting to know them. 

Sue and Randy - Sue has taught us to clean well.  She has been instrumental in helping us be able to go to church with my dad.  She knew the importance of our obedience to the Lord and to ensure that my dad had a relationship with the Lord.  Thank you Sue. 

Gaston and Nicole- life wouldn't have been much fun w/o them!  Gaston and Nicole are French Canadian and work camp in the winters here.  They have been here for 7 seasons.  They both graduated from Bible College here and they are wonderful and so fun!  They are treasures in our memories! 

Hilda and Richard- Hilda, God has a plan for your life.  He has a plan to wash away many things and I love you.  Richard you are a hard worker. 

We have had the priveledge of meeting some snowbirds too.  They have been fun to know. 

We have worked with a few others, but those above are who really touched out lives in a valuable way. 

Some late blooming friends we have been blessed to know too, Genelle from Bible study, Kevin and Elaine from the Vineyard, Ramone and Maria, Earl and Helen.  You have enriched our lives!  

As we come to a close in the next few weeks here in Milton, we have really enjoyed the Bay of the Holy Spirit Revival, the beach at Navarre, Hwy 30 A road trip, dinners at Shrimp Basket and our visits with our daughter and her family. 

We have enjoyed getting to know our grandbabies, for sure dude!

Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing!


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