What to expect here!

Good beautiful morning to you, our readers!

If you are just stopping by to see what this blog is all about, well- you may be surprized!  This is our ministry, when we are at work- we are friendly, courteous, happy, and know that our guests are important!  We do share our faith, but it isn't hitting them over the head with it, it is simply being nice and being honest and loving them even when sometimes they are unlovely. 

We find in our campground work that after hours walking and visiting with the guests is much more fun and it is always the reward to the end of a great work day.  We find great job in learning about others, their story, their family, who they are and get to know them for the short time they are there at the park. 

We love people, we love when they are so excited to be there, we love if they have had a hard day and we can make their day better and we are here to serve those we work for. 

So, if you are a potential employer looking for something, you will find that this blog is about loving others.  Our desire for their lives is of serving others like the Lord served us. 

We have an attitude of serving others.  This life isn't always about us, it's about others and doing unto others what you would have them do to you.

For those of you that are our everyday readers, we love you and thank you.  Our hope is you continue to read and continue to learn and enjoy. 

We are currently in and around Knoxville Area of TN, it's beautiful around here.  Spring is just arriving, the spring rains too have arrived!  We have some pics but we will post them later.  The Smoky mountains are so wonderful and the colors are breathtaking! 

Gatlinburg reminds us of Estes Park, CO.  The hustle and bustle of shoppers and tourist everywhere!  Our favorite thing to do there is get a cup of coffee from Walgreens and find an old rocker next to the store and sit and watch people.  We have seen some incredible things this way!  We won't go there, but if you just watch people, they are the most interesting outside of their comfort zone.  

Our life changes so fast, it seems that it changes on a dime most of the time.  But, when you walk closely with the Lord and He is in charge of your life, it will change from what you want to what He wants and you need to be ready.  

Abrams Falls in Cades Cove Great Smoky Mountains
These are courtesy of a Smoky Mtn picture site. 

The Cataloochee Valley in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park by Richard Weisser


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