I wonder where I wander and wonder how did I get there!

It's been a year since I left the church in Omaha.  It hasn't always been an easy leave.  Many time, so many times, I really miss it.  I miss the kids, the parents, the people at the church and the fun.  It never was about the pay, it was about God's Word being instilled in the kids and their families.  It was about kids knowing, loving, and serving Jesus.

Working in registrations at the KOA's is pretty easy and most of the time it's really interesting but I sure miss being with the kids. What I wonder many times is: is God going to put me back into this type of ministry again?  I don't really think too much about why God called us out, I really don't. We were obedient to what the Lord called us out to do.  We were blessed by Pastor Darrell at the Bay Area Vineyard church and his band of servants, we were blessed to attend the Bay of the Holy Spirit Revival and grow in our faith in both places.  We were blessed to get to know my father and his wife and finally meet my step-sister and step-brother and his family. 

Maybe part of the missing ministry is because I know God gave me the most incredible gift I have ever experienced.  It may seem like work to start and maintain a ministry or grow ministry, or even trying to keep kids interested in what you are teaching but it is the most fantabulous gift!  Growing parents, kids and helping parents to be the spiritual leaders in their own homes is magnificient! 

This is the day the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it. 

Praying for rain for N. Houston Area. 

Many things are taking place in the world, please continue or even start to pray for Israel.  It's a bad thing to go against Israel. 



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