Psalm 107 - Scripture is powerful and when we walk in it and live it, it becomes us.

Psalm 107

Thanksgiving to the LORD for His Great Works of Deliverance
 1 Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good!
         For His mercy endures forever.
 2 Let the redeemed of the LORD say so,
         Whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy,
 3 And gathered out of the lands,
         From the east and from the west,
         From the north and from the south.
 4 They wandered in the wilderness in a desolate way;
         They found no city to dwell in.
 5 Hungry and thirsty,
         Their soul fainted in them.
 6 Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble,
         And He delivered them out of their distresses.
 7 And He led them forth by the right way,
         That they might go to a city for a dwelling place.
 8 Oh, that men would give thanks to the LORD for His goodness,
         And for His wonderful works to the children of men!
 9 For He satisfies the longing soul,
         And fills the hungry soul with goodness.
 10 Those who sat in darkness and in the shadow of death,
         Bound in affliction and irons—
 11 Because they rebelled against the words of God,
         And despised the counsel of the Most High,
 12 Therefore He brought down their heart with labor;
         They fell down, and there was none to help.
 13 Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble,
         And He saved them out of their distresses.
 14 He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death,
         And broke their chains in pieces.
 15 Oh, that men would give thanks to the LORD for His goodness,
         And for His wonderful works to the children of men!
 16 For He has broken the gates of bronze,
         And cut the bars of iron in two.
 17 Fools, because of their transgression,
         And because of their iniquities, were afflicted.
 18 Their soul abhorred all manner of food,
         And they drew near to the gates of death.
 19 Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble,
         And He saved them out of their distresses.
 20 He sent His word and healed them,
         And delivered them from their destructions.
 21 Oh, that men would give thanks to the LORD for His goodness,
         And for His wonderful works to the children of men!
 22 Let them sacrifice the sacrifices of thanksgiving,
         And declare His works with rejoicing.
 23 Those who go down to the sea in ships,
         Who do business on great waters,
 24 They see the works of the LORD,
         And His wonders in the deep.
 25 For He commands and raises the stormy wind,
         Which lifts up the waves of the sea.
 26 They mount up to the heavens,
         They go down again to the depths;
         Their soul melts because of trouble.
 27 They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man,
         And are at their wits’ end.
 28 Then they cry out to the LORD in their trouble,
         And He brings them out of their distresses.
 29 He calms the storm,
         So that its waves are still.
 30 Then they are glad because they are quiet;
         So He guides them to their desired haven.
 31 Oh, that men would give thanks to the LORD for His goodness,
         And for His wonderful works to the children of men!
 32 Let them exalt Him also in the assembly of the people,
         And praise Him in the company of the elders.
 33 He turns rivers into a wilderness,
         And the watersprings into dry ground;
 34 A fruitful land into barrenness,
         For the wickedness of those who dwell in it.
 35 He turns a wilderness into pools of water,
         And dry land into watersprings.
 36 There He makes the hungry dwell,
         That they may establish a city for a dwelling place,
 37 And sow fields and plant vineyards,
         That they may yield a fruitful harvest.
 38 He also blesses them, and they multiply greatly;
         And He does not let their cattle decrease.
 39 When they are diminished and brought low
         Through oppression, affliction, and sorrow,
 40 He pours contempt on princes,
         And causes them to wander in the wilderness where there is no way;
 41 Yet He sets the poor on high, far from affliction,
         And makes their families like a flock.
 42 The righteous see it and rejoice,
         And all iniquity stops its mouth.
 43 Whoever is wise will observe these things,
         And they will understand the lovingkindness of the LORD.

I love Psalms, it's where I head when I need God's loving remember of who I am in Him. 

We have found a home church, it's been a while since we have been "home", some of the places we have been are wonderful and friendly and even homey, but really it's felt like we have been visiting family.  We have loved the pastors and their flock but I think we have found a home. 

The shepherd is funny, real, knows the word, tells it like it is, is passionate about what he teaches, is on time, and takes his call seriously.  On the pulpit he is the same as he is off the pulpit.  The folks are real nice too.  Just ask our friend Wayne who went to church with us last night.  Yep, last night.  The Lonestar Cowboy Church in Montgomery has a Monday night service like their Sun. morning services.  They see over 2000 people on Sun and Mon. Incredible! 

Anyway, a gal, much older than Wayne sat next to him.  She just about sat in his seat with him.  I think she really wanted to get to know him better!  It creeped Wayne out and he almost moved seats!  She patted his arm, his leg, checked out his ring finger, talked small talk as the sermon was going and all the while Wayne is trying hard to ignore her and listen to the sermon!  Wayne loves the church but does not want to sit next to Miss Fancy Pats!

Sunset, I'm gonna praise His Name!

The depths of the oceans!

 Those who go down to the sea in ships,
         Who do business on great waters,
 24 They see the works of the LORD,
         And His wonders in the deep.

Our oldest daughter and her family are coming to visit this weekend!  Yahoo!

Tito, what a kewl dog!  He was always excited to see us when we came to visit.  Tito passed away and headed into doggy heaven (if there really is one!)


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