Wonderful one I love, wonderful one I adore, wonderful one my heart will sing.

One thing that really does my heart good is watching families spend time together.  Easter, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas seem to be the only times that families put most things aside to spend time together. 

Working the campground for the 2nd summer season has been incredible to watch families interact without the cells, the computers going, video games and kids actually playing outside.  So many were at the pool, out in our "big backyard" and everyone I talked with prior to coming I mentioned bringing their bikes so they could play together and many brought them.  It was incredible! 
The downside to all the people, Mary-the dog, doesn't like lots of people and struggled in her "big brave dog" attitude. 

Steve on the other hand has the gift of visiting and loved on so many throughout the weekend and he loves it!  He really loves that part of his job.  He has never got paid to visit, p/u the trash - to really serve others and make a little difference. 
Today, the boss said get out the paddle boats!  Well, the lake is 6ft lower than normal and it's difficult to get the people in them.  Today Steve got a nice backhand across the face by a guest (kid) that slipped on the mud.  Steve's glasses went into the mud but did not break. 
He just needed to go clean up and get back to work to make sure that no one got hurt. 

Two weeks ago, we went for an oil change for the truck and came home with a something a little extra!  It's a 2003 Mercury Grand Marquis limited edition car with just 36,000 original miles on it.  It drives like a dream!  I honestly did not want to even get into it.  I thought "if I drive this, I will hit something, it's so big".  But after a few weeks I really love it.

We have found a home church too! 

Until next time... May your days be blessed and your smile be grand!  Jesus loves you.


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