A blast from the past!

Lajes Field Chapel

Azores Chapel- The new beginning of leadership for me.  It was something the Lord had and I was never sure of until God showed strong. 

In 2002, I was forced to go to the Azores with my ex. and my then 16 yo daughter.  We were leaving a Basketball club we were running with 28 families.  It was something that I really did enjoy doing.  We traveled all over Iowa and Nebraska, playing basketball, going to tournaments and have many families that we were so blessed by. 

This move to the Azores was a blessing though.  It really opened the doors to the future.  The marriage didn't make it, but the friendships my daughter and I made there are still going.  I was determined that I would make quilts and rest in the Lord.  I was in a class and someone asked me if I wanted to volunteer for something.  That standard answer that I was going to quilt and rest in the Lord came up a few times.  Well, when I inquired about the Awana clubs, they had been gone since 9/11/11 happened.  I was handed a folder and batta boom, it was in my hands to restart.  God had planned this all along!  It took 3 weeks and 25 leaders in training to start.  We had 75 kids!  We took over the Harvest Party, did an overnighter, grew leaders and friends.  It was awesome!


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