we make our plans but God directs our steps
I don't even have the words to put in this post.  I have experienced this!  Perplexed and Amazed! 

Acts 2:11-13

New King James Version (NKJV)
11 Cretans and Arabs—we hear them speaking in our own tongues the wonderful works of God.” 12 So they were all amazed and perplexed, saying to one another, “Whatever could this mean?”
13 Others mocking said, “They are full of new wine.”

I can not wrap my head around what is happening!  Wed. I had a 2nd interview at a place with 3 wonderful people.  They asked 2 pages of questions and they were answered accordingly.  The interview took all of 20 min.  I left just not being able to read this.  Steve stayed with the little ones, Daycare kiddos while I was away.  I was a bit nervous but they did very well, all of them!  These are our old bunch of kiddos.  They are at home with their mom now. 

So, Thursday, I am lamenting about how I wanted daycare, I believe it wasn't from the Lord that I heard but from myself.  I so wanted to have a great care center.  The thing is I wasn't willing to take state assistance.  It wasn't that I didn't want to help others, but their is much more paperwork and other stuff that goes with that.  I didn't want another group coming in.  We have two already.  I said I wasn't sure about the job offer, I wasn't sure about anything.  I have felt like I have been in the bottom of a well and can not see over it. 

We are such planners, such control freaks in our life that we have had to die to self.  It really does hurt to die to self!   I have wanted ministry so much that that is all that has been on my mind.  But look what God has done for me.  I will be working with International Professors, Students and children.  I will learn the cultures and the religions up close and personal.  I will be able to pray over my kids and my room and co-teacher without them knowing so.  I will have benefits, vacation time, sick time and insurance along with retirement.  It won't be long before I can make head teacher, I have everything I need for that.

Steve has an interview on Tuesday, we are praying he is offered a very lucrative position.  It would be fantastic to say good bye to the entrapment. 

This may well be our new home again!  We really miss this kind of life.  No one really understands but it is less stuff and less weight to carry around.  Okay, maybe not because with 8 boxes of books in the back of our truck, it's not so less!  Hahaha!

We will see if we can't find a place to dwell as things move forward.  
Yes, we have a house we live it, the bank owns it and we are simply paying the interest on the loan. It needs to go up for sale so we can get out from under it.  Soon and very soon! 
Until next time, be blessed! 




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