It's hard... at times... to be...

When your children grow up, they leave home, for some it is joyful but for some it is extremely difficult.  My last child left and it was devastating!  It was the worst case of "I wonder what I will do now that my kids are gone".  I was a children's pastor and that helped some but my mom life was over. 
At times I still feel so disconnected from it.  It's been 10 years and it is still hard.  I am not one to "talk back" to my own parents and I am not one to talk badly to my own children.  But when they hurt my feelings, I am not sure what to say.  My feet want to run, my heart cries out to my Heavenly Father - Abba Father!  Not sure how to deal with this part of my life.  My dogs don't talk back, they do have minds of their own and will express them, but they love unconditionally and don't scream. 

That's what is on my mind today. 

We did make a trip to the Gulf Coast and found it breathtaking once again.  However, the next time retirement comes around, we will be off and running to different parts of the country.  We are growing animals and they are important to us.  They are the ones that greet us when we return home at the end of the day.  They are the ones that don't complain about what we will do, where we will go, or how to go about it.  They just love.  The cat, Cleo, stayed home and missed us extremely bad.  He has been loving and kind and forgiving.

Steve in yellow shirt, Christy and Henry on the left of him. 

Horse shoe crab

Sophia in Pink and petting dolphin, Joel in the teal football jersey scratching his head.

Both these pics are taken at Waveland MS beach.

Peter and behind him, Mary, traveling in the little truck.

We followed the coast road from Biloxi to New Orleans.

New Orleans and French Quarter LA.


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