More Abundantly

Life is fickle, life is joyous, life is precarious, life is fragile. When you have given your life over to Jesus, it's not always easy but it's in His hands and you can be assured that you will have life abundantly when you make the right choices to do so.  Having a life with Jesus still means you need to care for your body, after all, it is the Temple for the Holy Spirit.

The Love that God has for you is so incredible and so wonderful.  He knew you before you were even formed in your mother's womb, he knows every hair on your head, he knows every breath you breathe. 
Even when life gets tough, rough, and rocky, he knows the plans for you.  Pull up those britches and climb up on his lap and seek his face.  He will listen.  He will never leave you or forsake you. 

Read through this blog, there is so much here, how to get through trials and tribulations.  This has been a source of help to me to see God's love in all.


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