A view from the road, or almost the road.

Saying goodbye to my kiddos at work is so difficult.  I have loved them all and they are all so incredible and wonderful.  Smart and funny, crazy and peculiar but they were mine for a short time.  I love the look one of my little ones gives me when they are questioning the question, eyebrow up and a ummm.... look. 

So many of them are just a kick, some are really a little serious and some have such a quick sense of humor.  How old are these little ones?  2 years old.  "Mrs. Junette, can we talk?", it's so much fun!  What a kick!  These kiddos and the last group who I had were wonderful.  Love, love, love the parents, they are giving, kind, generous and fabulous and honest with me.  I will miss this little part of the world! 

Becoming an unofficial Aggie was not a choice I really wanted at first.  But ya know, they grow on you and most of them are the sweetest.  Gig'em Ags!

We have an almost empty house, most things have sold and we are working on a few things.  The time we have spent here has been enduring and loving.  Even owning a daycare prior to A&M had incredible loving parents with the best kids. 

The Word of God says in the

The Great Commission

16 Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, to the mountain which Jesus had appointed for them. 17 When they saw Him, they worshiped Him; but some doubted.
18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore[a] and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen

I haven't gone and baptized the whole world here, I don't think I have made disciples, but I have prayed over my kiddos and their families, I have loved them to the ends of the time and beyond. 

I have gone into all the world! 

I thank God for allowing me to be a minister of the Gospel in truth and in love.  Thank you to my families for loving me and allowing me to teach your children. 

Some of you knew I was a Pastor, I wasn't in hiding, I was just doing what God had asked me to do.  Great and Mighty is He, clothed in Glory, Arrayed in Splendor, Powerful and Wonderful God.  I can't wait to see what He lines up for us to do.

Our thoughts have been pondering Samaritans Purse crisis/disaster help or something that really takes us to the depth to rise up again.  We will wander as we wonder at His Marvelous Works. 

Until next time, may you live your life for a God that is Mighty to Save. 

I will miss the crew at Becky Gates!  I have learned a lot from everyone. 



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