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We've been so many places in just a short time.

Driving from Mahoney State Park, NE to Neligh NE

What weather!  Oh man!  We drove over 3,000 miles, filled the tank up about 6 times and the propane about 4 times in a week!  It was cold, really cold, -20 wind chill and about -10 or more at times.  Snowing and blowing and nasty.  But we had a great visit and Steve's dad is doing well.  It was nice to see everyone, we sure missed Jeri Jo in our mix and the son-in-laws and daughter-in-laws.  Peter had a great time in the snow, Mary did not care for it and Cleo decided to pull a snakey bit and take off under the coach.

Peter says "It gets a little cool in the back of the coach."
 We got to Mahoney State Park, one we have been in before, our toilet was working until it started getting cold and then it didn't work anymore.  It vacuumed or something, but after we arrived into OKC East KOA, I got it unplugged.  Yeah!  I also did all the hook ups and that was fun. 

Steve has found his voice that for years I was so used to him being in the back of ministry and praying and quiet.  He came out of the cave he was in, he felt like he should have not retired or had the right to retire at that time and felt like a failure to life.  When he retired the first time...

Menards in Norfolk NE- stopped to get a remote for the garage for folks.
 He followed God to the Family Prayer Center in Jenks OK.  While following God, the devil came in and took his family out and created a lot of things that had to be forgiven and let go.  When we met 10 1/2 years ago, he was deep into the cave.  Little by little, through a lot of training and understanding, he is out.  Sometimes too much so but he is a really neat guy that people love being around.  He knows no strangers and as hard as that growth is for me, because I am used to being quiet for hours and traveling with no noise and life being pretty stable.  It is no more.

We stopped to get water before we headed out.

It is fun, hard, a lot of trying to find our new path and listening to the Lord more to ensure we are walking the path He has for us.  Everyday is a new day and not sure how that day is going to go.  We both have a lot of adjusting to do.  A cave dweller is no more.  No one should ever have to be in a cave for years because they are afraid of life or the changes life gives us when we make choices.

So welcome to our new adventure!  In our quest for the Kingdom, we ask for your prayers that we will conquer the hearts and souls for Christ Jesus.     

We were nuts to drive in this crap
 In our journey, we will find ourselves on roads that will be icy and slick or sunshine and sunsets, blue skies and cloudy days.  Our life will never be the same. 

Beth Moore sent this on FB and her blog this morning and I believe it.
I believe in romance.

I believe in the love between a man and a woman.

I believe that love can be sustained for a lifetime....

I believe in falling back in love over and over.

I believe in making up.

I believe that good marriages are wed of soft hearts and hard heads: a tenderness to love and be loved and a tenacity too bone-headed to quit.

I believe that laughter lasts longer than sex.

I believe that many people marry people they do not love.

I believe that desperation gets confused with affection.

I believe that many couples divorce that could have made it.

I believe that God can resurrect hearts that are stone-cold dead and create love between a couple ex nihilo.

I believe that couples can put in their fifty years like a prison sentence with souls that have been divorced for decades. And that Jesus sees right through it.

I believe some fights are worth having.

I believe that laziness is the leading narcotic of romance.

I believe that neglect is a form of infidelity.

I believe in the power of repentance to jump start a dead heart.

I believe the most important synonym of the word love in a marriage is forgiveness. I believe in working it through, crying it through, even fighting it through, then I believe in putting it behind you. For keeps. Love resists the inundating urge to bring back up the old with every new offense.

I believe that getting godly counseling is an act of courage.

I believe in the immeasurable power of mutual respect.

I believe that cynicism about romance is as unhealthy as believing in fairy tales.

Nasty Road!  YUCK!
But I do not believe in teaching our little girls that their worth will be measured by the love of a man. Unless that man is Jesus.

I do not believe in staying silent in a culture that says girls are as valuable as they are desirable.

I do not believe it is helpful that our constant go-to compliment to a little girl is how pretty she is.

She is also smart. And strong. And thoughtful. And artistic. And creative. And well able.

I do not believe in perpetuating the myth of happily-ever-after in marriage. I believe in teaching our adolescents that we can have love-ever-after, devotion-ever-after, hope-ever-after, and faith-ever-after but only if we don’t faint-ever-after. We prepare soldiers for real war but leave young couples ill-prepared for real marriage. I don’t believe that realism has to remotely equal pessimism.

I do not believe in teaching our girls that men are gods or devils.

I do not believe in marrying a man who won’t date you.

I don’t believe in making love to a man who won’t kiss you.
For what any of this is worth.


One last thing in case you’re still reading.

I believe that great marriages are great but that a good marriage can also be good. Amid the blur of magazine headlines and blog articles about how to have a great romance, a great marriage, great sex, great kids, great families, great jobs, great relationships, and fabulously great futures with great impact, save a little room in your heart to believe that good can also be good.

Because life’s just not always great.

But, man, it can be good.

Finally Arrived in Neligh NE!  It was really cold out!

2014©bethmoore -

We have been together for 10 1/2 years.  It's been pretty easy for the most part, so after all the easy years, it's bound to be rough now at times. 

But we have so much to work for and with.  We have great and wonderful grandchildren we adore and love.  We have history and a past that no one but us understands.  We have a  marriage that can endure and will. 
 Love always prevails.  

Veteran's bridge in Omaha NE, we took the wrong exit and had to go around.

Look at that iron work!

The Devotion of Hearing

Just because I have listened carefully and intently to one thing from God does not mean that I will listen to everything He says. I show God my lack of love and respect for Him by the insensitivity of my heart and mind toward what He says. If I love my friend, I will instinctively understand what he wants. And Jesus said, “You are My friends…” (John 15:14). Have I disobeyed some command of my Lord’s this week? If I had realized that it was a command of Jesus, I would not have deliberately disobeyed it. But most of us show incredible disrespect to God because we don’t even hear Him. He might as well never have spoken to us.

That glass dome is the Henry Dorling Zoo, or Mutual of Omaha Zoo
Mary: Oh so pretty, so pretty sitting in the sun!
The goal of my spiritual life is such close identification with Jesus Christ that I will always hear God and know that God always hears me (see John 11:41). If I am united with Jesus Christ, I hear God all the time through the devotion of hearing. A flower, a tree, or a servant of God may convey God’s message to me. What hinders me from hearing is my attention to other things. It is not that I don’t want to hear God, but I am not devoted in the right areas of my life. I am devoted to things and even to service and my own convictions. God may say whatever He wants, but I just don’t hear Him. The attitude of a child of God should always be, “Speak, for Your servant hears.” If I have not developed and nurtured this devotion of hearing, I can only hear God’s voice at certain times. At other times I become deaf to Him because my attention is to other things— things which I think I must do. This is not living the life of a child of God. Have you heard God’s voice today?

Turner Falls OK

Did you know God wants to know you!  Really know you.

From Charles Stanley:

Deep down, there’s a place within each of us that is made for one thing—a relationship with God. No matter how hard we try to cover it up or fill it with something else, we will never be satisfied.
Our hearts will remain restless until they find their home with God. That deep, hidden part of you is there, even if you haven’t realized it until now.

But unfortunately, there’s a problem. A barrier exists between God and humankind. It’s called sin—a word that refers to all the ways we fall short of God’s design for humanity.

Look through the screen and see the pool. 
When the first human beings rebelled against God, sin became a part of the human condition. It has been passed on like a hereditary disease from ancestor to ancestor, all the way down the line to us today.
In the Bible, Romans 3:23 says, “Everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.” And in Romans 6:23, we learn “the wages of sin is death.”*
In other words, all people need to be brought “back from the dead” spiritually. But there’s nothing we can do to remove this barrier of death on our own. No amount of good deeds on our part can change our eternal status.

Another shot of the pool.
Even though we sin, God doesn’t begrudge us our lives. In His kindness and mercy, He sustains us—blessing us even when we don’t know it—so we can eventually find the way back to Him. But if we don’t seek Him and His ways, or if we choose to reject Him, our spiritual deaths will be permanent.
We will live apart from God and His goodness in eternity after we physically die. The Bible tells us that eternal life apart from God is to live in darkness, with no hope, no joy, and no love, forever.
Because humanity failed to live according to God’s standard and had fallen into spiritual death, Jesus humbled Himself and came to earth to live as a man. He lived a sinless life and performed many miracles. But the world rejected Him and crucified Him on a cross.

Turner Falls, OK
He died on that cross and was buried in a tomb, but three days later, He rose from the grave.
What the world didn’t realize was that dying on the cross was Jesus’ plan all along. Through His death and resurrection, He removed the barrier between humankind and God. Because He was also God, Jesus conquered sin and death on our behalf so we could truly live.

We have been in these castles at Turner Falls. 
Jesus’ victory on the cross was for everyone, including you. He offers salvation from sin and death to all people as a gift, but He asks that we give Him our lives in return. How can we do this? By believing in Him, turning from our sins, and asking Him to be the Lord—the ruler and guide—of our lives.
Romans 10:9 says, “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”
Remember, God is love. He loves you more than anyone else ever has or ever could. In giving your life to Him, you invite His love into every aspect of who you are. His love is transforming, and His forgiveness is complete.
God will transform you and make you a new person in Him. You will find the joy-filled life you’ve always longed to have.

There’s no need to put off receiving God’s gift of salvation. You don’t need to clean yourself up first, start behaving better, or anything of the sort before you can become a follower of Jesus. You can take the first step right now.
Open your heart to God and receive Him. He’s ready to receive you. You can pray the following prayer or use your own words.

Livingston TX Sunset.

A few from the park.

We switched sites, a little more money but with the big dogs and a view of the lake.

Nice and cooking dinner too!

A view.

Until we meet again!  Peace be with you. 
In 12 days we went from freezing cold to nice and warm! 
We will be heading into the rain again as we drive to Dinosaur Valley Park and off to Palo Duro Canyon. 
Jesus sightings and updates:  We were in Bryan at the house overnight, getting ready to pull out, Joann stops by.  Joann came to our garage sale and bought a lot, we prayed for her then and she came by to receive prayer again.  We did.  Steve reminded me yet again, we need to be ready in season and out of season and always. 
Today, we had a young man come stop by our rig to see if he could get the generator going, he stepped in and we were able to pray for him.  His comment!  Man, I needed that today. 
What can we pray with you about!  Did you pray the prayer to receive Jesus in this message?  If you did pray the prayer or need prayer- email us at  with our name in the subject- campsaintsnowallsministry.
Let us know how you are doing.  We would love to hear from you. 


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