The Name of the Lord is a Strong Tower
The Righteous run into it and they are safe.
Proverbs 18:10

Life is not always fun, it's not always as it seems but it is your life to live how you choose. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

With all the flooding in TX and OK, the high heat in India, the violence all over the US and paid protesters posing for a wage hike that doesn't even affect them, sticking our heads in the sand isn't going to help.

I can write here, but honestly, I don't know what to do either. Social media maybe, telling others our woes maybe. We already know the government doesn't listen and they take our money.
So, I will go to the Lord, he hears my pleas, my heartfelt tears of frustration and angst.

When I cry out to him, he does hear me.

When I am weak, he is strong. When I am low, he picks me up.
Because I am more.

As I study for my Master Degree in Christian Education. I often wonder what will it get me, why do I want it, what is it worth.
It's an interesting subject because as a person who did not do well throughout k-12, it's more than figuring me out. It's becoming who God designed and made me to be and to help others find who God made them to be. We learn differently, we adjust to life differently, we even have different make ups and promises. But one things for sure. He promised us life and life abundantly.
![▪Inside of every one of us is a quiet voice that whispers, “You are more amazing than you know; you are meant for greatness!” ▪“Believe in yourself [and] in your capacity to do great and good things. Believe that you can do whatever it is you set your heart on. [As you do this] opportunities will unfold and open before you[, and] the skies will clear when they have been dark. [Never forget that] you are not destined to [fail]. You are a child of God, of infinite capacity.” –Gordon B. Hinckley](
A song we sung one year in summer Sunday School was "Promises", God keeps His promises. His word is like rock.

Every day is a new day, not a day like yesterday, not a hard day awaiting you, but a day you choose how to live it. Just like the beaches, the tide rolls in and wipes away the prints and gives you a clean slate. His Promises are the same though, yesterday, today and forever.

Proverbs 18:10

Life is not always fun, it's not always as it seems but it is your life to live how you choose. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

With all the flooding in TX and OK, the high heat in India, the violence all over the US and paid protesters posing for a wage hike that doesn't even affect them, sticking our heads in the sand isn't going to help.

I can write here, but honestly, I don't know what to do either. Social media maybe, telling others our woes maybe. We already know the government doesn't listen and they take our money.
So, I will go to the Lord, he hears my pleas, my heartfelt tears of frustration and angst.

When I cry out to him, he does hear me.

When I am weak, he is strong. When I am low, he picks me up.
Because I am more.

As I study for my Master Degree in Christian Education. I often wonder what will it get me, why do I want it, what is it worth.
It's an interesting subject because as a person who did not do well throughout k-12, it's more than figuring me out. It's becoming who God designed and made me to be and to help others find who God made them to be. We learn differently, we adjust to life differently, we even have different make ups and promises. But one things for sure. He promised us life and life abundantly.
![▪Inside of every one of us is a quiet voice that whispers, “You are more amazing than you know; you are meant for greatness!” ▪“Believe in yourself [and] in your capacity to do great and good things. Believe that you can do whatever it is you set your heart on. [As you do this] opportunities will unfold and open before you[, and] the skies will clear when they have been dark. [Never forget that] you are not destined to [fail]. You are a child of God, of infinite capacity.” –Gordon B. Hinckley](
A song we sung one year in summer Sunday School was "Promises", God keeps His promises. His word is like rock.

Every day is a new day, not a day like yesterday, not a hard day awaiting you, but a day you choose how to live it. Just like the beaches, the tide rolls in and wipes away the prints and gives you a clean slate. His Promises are the same though, yesterday, today and forever.

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