God is STILL GOD...

Thanks to Pastor Kufohl of Grace Lutheran in Neligh NE, his blog on the results of the supreme court decision was very helpful.

I can tell you, this decision was terrible or it was good, it was right or it was wrong.  I can stand an preach til I am blue in the face, but the fact is...

God is Still God, Jesus still sits on the throne, the Holy Spirit will dwell in the believers of Jesus, and sin is still sin. 

You can dispute everything else but those are the facts and the truth and it's hard to dispute the truth.

God loves you!  He desires a real relationship with you.  Growing up my mom was reminded that she is a heathen and still does, over 60 years have passed and that's what she remembers.  We tend to remember the bad and those have dwelled in our memory for years, the good doesn't always seem to stay as long.  But the bad, gets into those dendrites over night and stay put until you sweep them out and tell the devil, um no, this is not your living space any longer.  You have to go, Jesus said I am worthy, I am HIS and HE is MINE.

Here is the definition of a Heathen: heathen
plural heathens or heathen

Definition of HEATHEN

:  an unconverted member of a people or nation that does not acknowledge the God of the Bible
:  an uncivilized or irreligious person

Let me tell you what I learned from my mom, I don't believe she is a heathen. She does acknowledge the God of the Bible and she is not uncivilized.   Being in church for us kids was important to her- sometimes it wasn't for us. She believed we needed to have a relationship with Jesus.
  She is taking the next generation she is rearing to an Assembly of God church. 
But here is what I learned from her...  to give when you don't have much to give, to love more than anyone, to see others beyond their potential, to laugh, to whistle even when the joy around you is hard, to be true to yourself, to work hard, to laugh, and to be an overcomer. 
We haven't always seen eye to eye, but between my mom and step dad, we were loved, cared for, taught manners and respect, we had food on the table even if it was liver and onions.  We were hugged on, even now when I go home, my dad is there with open arms.
Her mother and her long time friend Vic, both gave their lives to Jesus in their 70's!  When I lived in Great Falls, I was involved in a Non-Denominational Church called Calvary and we did a big huge Cantata every year.  It was the choir and the drama groups and we rented out the Civic Center.  The year I was in it, my gramma made my dress (I still have it) and came to the Cantata.  That's when they gave their lives to Jesus.  They had both been Catholics and because they were both divorced they could not take communion in the church and did not feel welcomed.  When they gave their lives to Jesus, they began to read the Bible for themselves, they had a prayer closet and they were different to me.  I loved both of them.  They have both passed away but I was so grateful to know they became believers.  It's never too late to believe.
I had a job at age 10 washing dishes for my grandparents restaurant and worked with my gramma off and on for years.  She taught me a great work ethic as did my mom.  I volunteered at Head Start since I was 9 or 10 in every area.   
We moved from the city to the country and that was a whole new deal.  I actually had friends that I am still friends with today.  They knew me when, but really the only thing I have changed is my heart after Jesus.  Living in the country was fun, it was so different compared to living just 4 short blocks from downtown, but a way safer neighborhood.  We lived down the road from grandparents, Rueben and Ethelyn- my step grandparents.  They owned the store and baitshop that my folks now have.
My life was never easy, but forgiveness and letting go have been.  I wasn't friends with my siblings when I left home.  It wasn't until a lot of moving around, that we moved to Nebraska and my brother lived in Lincoln, I finally had to tell myself, I want an adult relationship with my brother, not the kind as a kid. 
We did, we became good friends and he became a follower of Jesus.  In part because of watching Joyce Meyer on TV.  He called me when he prayed the sinners prayer and we talked at great length.  He didn't want to step into a church because he believed that they were Sunday only Christians and he wanted no part of that.  However, he met with a local pastor in Lincoln.  When my brother died in 2004, we had been home for 10 days before that and I had to go back to the Azores, longer story, but I prayed with him then and said when I left, I will see you on the flip side, in heaven and take care of my son.  He cried and so did I but I knew he was going to heaven.  My brother was an amazing man who sought after God.  Who let go of the past, was the glue that held us all together and the middle child but also the only boy.  He was a pain as a kid but awesome as a man.  His family was extremely important to him.  He became a stay at home dad when the brain cancer began to really affect his work life.  He was a radio DJ and people loved him.  He was also a party DJ and drove all over Nebraska because he was highly sought after.
As for Steve, he grew up working on a farm since he was 9 years old.  He worked there for many years and then onto Bees.  He worked bees and it took him to TX where he stayed for about 25 years or more.
His mom and dad prayed every night for their children. 
Both of us have been in hot pursuit of Jesus.  We have found him and desire to share everything with you. 
Until then, peace that passes all understanding, may it comfort you.


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