A lesson on Forgiveness

I am currently in school to complete my Master's in Christian Education.  Why?  For myself, to prove to myself that I am quite capable of completing a goal I set a few years ago. 

So, for this part of my blog, I want to share with you my lesson.  At least part of it. 

Topic: The Importance of Forgiving others.

30-45 minute lesson

1.       What Bible verses would I use?  I would do sword drills to open this lesson up and then ask what they believe the theme is? 

a)      Verses: Matthew 18:21-22- Then Peter came to Jesus and asked how many times shall I forgive my brother?  Jesus said “I tell you not 7 times but 70 times 7.

b)      Matthew 11:25- and when you stand in prayer, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him so that the Heavenly Father can forgive you.

c)       Acts 10:43- To him all prophets witness that through his name whoever believes in Him will receive remission of sins. 

d)      Hebrews 8:12- And I will forgive their wickedness and I will never again remember their sins”

e)      1 John 1:9- But if we confess our sins to Him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all our wickedness.
2.       What would I say to them?

a)      What do all these verses have in common?

b)      What do you think the theme is?

c)       Why do you think it’s important to forgive?

d)      Why should we forgive? 

e)      Is it easy or hard to forgive?

f)        What is the forgiveness of others?  (The Lord’s Prayer)

g)      What is forgiveness of God?


3.       What examples would I use?

I always start with worship with kids or adults, worship breaks down the barriers. Three songs doesn’t open the heart like more does.

a.)     Casting crowns song – From East to West

b.)    New Life Worship- Amazed

c.)     Forgiveness by Matthew West

d.)   A Heart that Forgives  

e.)    Psalm 19

f.)      Everything Glorious by David Crowder

g.)     Super Strong God


We would start the sword drills ask  the first two questions and then show a video of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cG_WLYUN_Hw
Then I would then ask the remaining questions above. 

                   I would then show the video from Canvas Church- Illustration of God’s forgiveness. 

We would then talk about who the devil is and what do we know about him.  Why God wants us to forgive but the devil doesn’t.  How he can hold us away from others because we hold onto unforgiveness.  How unforgiveness causes more problems, health issues, life issues, stresses. 

 I would ask them what things do they believe are forgivable and what do they believe isn’t.  Then help them to see all things are forgivable.  

We would pray over those that we need to forgive.  Forgiveness isn't always easy, but it is necessary for you to grow. 

                  We would pray these prayers together.
There are 3 prayers here:

Beginning Prayer:

Dear Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, we give you permission to try our wicked way and we covenant with you that when you reveal a wicked way we will deal with it in forgiveness and repentance.  We set aside this time for you and ask that the Holy Spirit be in charge and In the name of Jesus we bind all evil spirits and command them not to interfere. Amen.

Repentance Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father, in the name of the LORD Jesus, I purpose and choose to forgive (name) for (what they did).

I release (name).  I cancel their debts and obligations to me in this issue.  

Dear LORD, I ask you to forgive me for my bitterness toward (above name) in this situation.

In the Name of Jesus, I cancel all Satan’s power and authority over me in this issue because I have forgiven them and God has forgiven me.  It is done and over with.

Holy Spirit, please come and heal my heart, and tell me your truth about this situation.

 (We stop here and allow a quiet reflection and listen to the Holy Spirit tell us)

After we have prayed through all the bitterness situations we would close with this prayer.

Closing prayer:

Dear Heavenly Father, in the name of the LORD Jesus, I purpose and choose to forgive anyone who has ever hurt me for everything they did.  I release all of them and I cancel all their debts and obligations to me. 

Dear Lord, I ask you to forgive me for all my bitterness toward anyone that has ever hurt me and I release myself from all bitterness.

In the name of the Jesus, I cancel all Satan’s power and authority over me in all bitterness that I have had with others because I have forgiven them and God has forgiven me.  It is done and over with.  In the name of Jesus, I command the principality of bitterness and all of its armor to leave me now. 

Holy Spirit, please come and heal my heart and tell me your truth.

What if that person we needed to forgive wasn’t a believer? 

That’s ok, prayer works to break down the walls of unforgiveness in our heart.  God gives me new sight to see them and a new heart for them.  The forgiveness is for us and to release them.  We can ask God to deal with them.  We don’t have to own that hurt any longer, because we have released it. 



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