Who am I?

Who are we?  And why should you know us? 

We are Radical for Jesus Christ Followers.  We are not fans.  We don't sit on the sidelines and pretend to know what's going on.  We are followers, we are players, we are in the battle.  We put on our armor every morning and crash every night exhausted.  We travel and meet the neatest and awesomest people. 

We have been to 19 states in 7 months and back through some a few times.  We have been so blessed to meet and stay in awesome areas.  We saw Zion and Bryce.  We love seeing God's Beauty everywhere.  Stick with us and we will show you His Love.

We are currently in Lake Murray OK. We will be heading Robinson TX for two days and then Bryan TX and then to Livingston TX.  We will eventually land in Vidalia LA for 3-4 mo. to work. 



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