We are getting revelation this morning. I am going to have to go over this as I write it. The Holy Spirit is speaking fast.
So here is what the Lord showed me: Pastors of churches need to help their people come expecting, not by just singing 3 or 4 songs that are planned but letting the Spirit flow, then do not plan your sermon- have an idea but be open the Word of God where He leads you, follow and read as a family, if that means going searching, listen to the pages turn and ruffle (what a great sound!).
PEOPLE! You need to go expecting to see and meet God face to face and not in a 1-3 hour service but a service that fills you until you have been so filled you have to roll out. Until the church changes, people won't. People will continue to stay hungry and find themselves filling up on sin instead of God. We have been to so many churches, most not filling us up and not even making us hunger for God. You may say, that's not a churches job, but I beg to differ. It is.
It's the Pastor's job is to make you want more of God and see more of what is possible. Help you to see that miracles and healings still happen, hunger still happens, speaking in other tongues is still possible and does happen. You should want so much more of God that you come home and read your Bible, you go next time and expect even more. Pastors should expect Revival every week, they should expect to SEE Jesus in their congregations and they need to invite him to come dine with them- set the table for HIM. People should expect to see him too.
COME ON! We can't wait for Man to see revivals if you don't allow HIM to come to your table and dine.
Revivals are or can be 21 courses, below. If you go to a fast food restaurant you will get filled but you will be hungry not much later, church is like fast food. But if you go to sit and have a really nice dinner that you get extremely full at, you will not be nearly as hungry because all your senses have been filled with great aroma and anticipation has been met.
Here is a 10 course dinner, we should expect this type of service when we go.
First Course
Hors D'Oeuvres
Second Course
Consommé Olga
Cream of Barley
Third Course
Poached Salmon with Mousseline Sauce, Cucumbers
Fourth Course
Filets Mignon Lili
Saute of Chicken, Lyonnaise
Vegetable Marrow Farci
Fifth Course
Lamb, Mint Sauce
Roast Duckling, Apple Sauce
Sirloin of Beef, Chateau Potatoes
Green Pea
Creamed Carrots
Boiled Rice
Parmentier & Boiled New Potatoes
Sixth Course
Punch Romaine
Seventh Course
Roast Squab & Cress
Eighth Course
Cold Asparagus Vinaigrette
Ninth Course
Pâté de Foie Gras
Tenth Course
Waldorf Pudding
Peaches in Chartreuse Jelly
Chocolate & Vanilla Éclairs
French Ice Cream

This a lot of times is a Revival-
An example of a twenty-one course dinner follows:
1.Palate cleanser, or amuse. This may be preceded by a refreshing, lightly alcoholic drink, if the diners are to wait or mingle before being seated.
2.Second amuse, 3.Caviar, 4.Cold appetizer, 5.Thick soup, 6.Thin soup,
7.Shellfish, 8.Antipasto, 9.Pasta (usually short, long pasta being more suited to informal lunches), 10.Intermezzo (Sorbet), 11.Quail, 12.Wild mushrooms
13.Beef, 14.Green salad, 15.Puffed pastry filled with herbed mousse,
16.Cheese, 17.Pudding,18.Ice cream,19.Nuts, 20.Petit four,
21.Coffee, liquor (in a home, as opposed to a restaurant, these are properly served in the more relaxed setting of a drawing room or salon, not at the dining table)
Now, if we got to go to God's Banqueting Table -
![Typical Korean table - the table is about to break from so much food! [PHOTO]:](
So, what would that look like. Would you be stuffed full of God? I believe so. I am so hungry and want God more than I want sin in my life. I want to run after God and seek him and know what He desires from me, I want to sit at his feet and soak in what he has to teach me rather than find other things to take my attention.
The Banqueting Table in Heaven.
THE INVITATION You are invited to come dine with me from now through all eternity. Believe in the father son and holy spirit, and dine with Jesus as your host. To live in heaven eternally, All you must do is.... accept Jesus Christ as Lord! Ask Him to come into your heart and save you from your sin! Repent of your sin and follow Christ! You must be born again In Him in order to enter the kingdom of God. Romans 10:9-15

So, how in the world can you come expecting God to be at your church. Pray first, seek HIS face, know HIM through His Word, expect God. If you go and God is not there, or maybe your church doesn't line up with the WORD of God, ALL THE WORD, every book, then maybe just maybe it's time to find a BIBLE BELIEVING CHURCH or maybe you need to really spend time and get filled at home so you know the difference in what is preached- to be true or false.
Charles Spurgeon and so many other Pastor's, had a real gift of teaching. It may seem boring but it will fill you up.
This one is on True Prayer True Power.
Sometimes, if your church is not really a Bible teaching church, the Devil will come along side and make what is taught sound like it's Biblical, but it may not be. The Devil likes to fool you, he wants you to not follow God. You may not even realize the trickery, but the devil will defeat you. Please, if you don't know HIM-Jesus, ask, repent, believe, and confess your sins.

God wants all of you, he wants to feed you at his banqueting table, he wants you seated with HIS people and He wants you at his feet when he sits on the throne. He wants you to know every bit of him.

So here is what the Lord showed me: Pastors of churches need to help their people come expecting, not by just singing 3 or 4 songs that are planned but letting the Spirit flow, then do not plan your sermon- have an idea but be open the Word of God where He leads you, follow and read as a family, if that means going searching, listen to the pages turn and ruffle (what a great sound!).
PEOPLE! You need to go expecting to see and meet God face to face and not in a 1-3 hour service but a service that fills you until you have been so filled you have to roll out. Until the church changes, people won't. People will continue to stay hungry and find themselves filling up on sin instead of God. We have been to so many churches, most not filling us up and not even making us hunger for God. You may say, that's not a churches job, but I beg to differ. It is.
It's the Pastor's job is to make you want more of God and see more of what is possible. Help you to see that miracles and healings still happen, hunger still happens, speaking in other tongues is still possible and does happen. You should want so much more of God that you come home and read your Bible, you go next time and expect even more. Pastors should expect Revival every week, they should expect to SEE Jesus in their congregations and they need to invite him to come dine with them- set the table for HIM. People should expect to see him too.
COME ON! We can't wait for Man to see revivals if you don't allow HIM to come to your table and dine.
Revivals are or can be 21 courses, below. If you go to a fast food restaurant you will get filled but you will be hungry not much later, church is like fast food. But if you go to sit and have a really nice dinner that you get extremely full at, you will not be nearly as hungry because all your senses have been filled with great aroma and anticipation has been met.
Here is a 10 course dinner, we should expect this type of service when we go.
First Course
Hors D'Oeuvres
Second Course
Consommé Olga
Cream of Barley

Poached Salmon with Mousseline Sauce, Cucumbers
Fourth Course
Filets Mignon Lili
Saute of Chicken, Lyonnaise
Vegetable Marrow Farci
Fifth Course
Lamb, Mint Sauce
Roast Duckling, Apple Sauce
Sirloin of Beef, Chateau Potatoes
Green Pea
Creamed Carrots
Boiled Rice
Parmentier & Boiled New Potatoes
Sixth Course
Punch Romaine
Seventh Course
Roast Squab & Cress
Eighth Course
Cold Asparagus Vinaigrette
Ninth Course
Pâté de Foie Gras
Tenth Course
Waldorf Pudding
Peaches in Chartreuse Jelly
Chocolate & Vanilla Éclairs
French Ice Cream

This a lot of times is a Revival-
An example of a twenty-one course dinner follows:
1.Palate cleanser, or amuse. This may be preceded by a refreshing, lightly alcoholic drink, if the diners are to wait or mingle before being seated.
2.Second amuse, 3.Caviar, 4.Cold appetizer, 5.Thick soup, 6.Thin soup,
7.Shellfish, 8.Antipasto, 9.Pasta (usually short, long pasta being more suited to informal lunches), 10.Intermezzo (Sorbet), 11.Quail, 12.Wild mushrooms
13.Beef, 14.Green salad, 15.Puffed pastry filled with herbed mousse,
16.Cheese, 17.Pudding,18.Ice cream,19.Nuts, 20.Petit four,
21.Coffee, liquor (in a home, as opposed to a restaurant, these are properly served in the more relaxed setting of a drawing room or salon, not at the dining table)
Now, if we got to go to God's Banqueting Table -
![Typical Korean table - the table is about to break from so much food! [PHOTO]:](
So, what would that look like. Would you be stuffed full of God? I believe so. I am so hungry and want God more than I want sin in my life. I want to run after God and seek him and know what He desires from me, I want to sit at his feet and soak in what he has to teach me rather than find other things to take my attention.
The Banqueting Table in Heaven.
THE INVITATION You are invited to come dine with me from now through all eternity. Believe in the father son and holy spirit, and dine with Jesus as your host. To live in heaven eternally, All you must do is.... accept Jesus Christ as Lord! Ask Him to come into your heart and save you from your sin! Repent of your sin and follow Christ! You must be born again In Him in order to enter the kingdom of God. Romans 10:9-15

So, how in the world can you come expecting God to be at your church. Pray first, seek HIS face, know HIM through His Word, expect God. If you go and God is not there, or maybe your church doesn't line up with the WORD of God, ALL THE WORD, every book, then maybe just maybe it's time to find a BIBLE BELIEVING CHURCH or maybe you need to really spend time and get filled at home so you know the difference in what is preached- to be true or false.
Charles Spurgeon and so many other Pastor's, had a real gift of teaching. It may seem boring but it will fill you up.
This one is on True Prayer True Power.
Sometimes, if your church is not really a Bible teaching church, the Devil will come along side and make what is taught sound like it's Biblical, but it may not be. The Devil likes to fool you, he wants you to not follow God. You may not even realize the trickery, but the devil will defeat you. Please, if you don't know HIM-Jesus, ask, repent, believe, and confess your sins.

God wants all of you, he wants to feed you at his banqueting table, he wants you seated with HIS people and He wants you at his feet when he sits on the throne. He wants you to know every bit of him.

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