Worth More than Gold or Silver, Rubies and more...

Emotional Freedom Techiques does the same, but is easier - tap and pray!    EFTforChristians.com:

Love this verse! <3 I read it not long ago & the Lord began something new in me. Such a great verse. Walk worthy my friends.:
Worthy is the Lord, Worthy is He that sits on the Throne.  Worthy is He that comes down from above and makes the way for us to be His. 

We are also worthy, worth more than Rubies!  We are worth more than anything in the Kingdom of Jesus.  We are worth more than gold. 

So many songs go through my brain when I get a word.  Click on these links and be taken to a place to worship!

Worthy, you are worthy

Fire Fall Down

Worthy is the Lamb

Your Love Never Fails

Sometimes I have not felt worthy, not dirty, not unclean, but like I haven't measured up to expectations of life.  Sometimes set by me, sometimes set by others.  But I know when I call on the Lord, I remember his words, I am pulled out of that stinkin thinkin.

Psalm 18:3 says I will call upon the Lord, which is worthy to be praised: so shall I be safe from mine enemies.

Even in scriptures man/woman did not find themselves worthy. 

Matthew 10:37-391599 Geneva Bible (GNV)
37 [a]He that loveth father or mother more than me, is not worthy of me. And he that loveth son, or daughter more than me, is not worthy of me. 38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. 39 He that will find [b]his life, shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake, shall find it.
I wonder why some of us feel like we don't measure up to others.  Perfectionism isn't a great thing, in fact it will keep you from doing great things.  It's you seeing yourself in the mirror of life. 
I know I suffer from wanting to do everything perfect.  Sometimes it's fear, sometimes it's pride. 
You are worthy of love and inner strength 'Little One'. Be the warrior you were meant to be. Namaste': Sometimes our self talk is worse than what anyone ever thought of us. 
We are a chosen person, God chose us.  He created us.  That should be enough.
 We are worth more than Rubies or Gold. 

Proverbs 3:15
She is more precious than rubies; And nothing you can wish for compares with her [in value].
Dont place too much value on the opinion of others, just remember god can see what others can see in you so the opinion of others should not matter to you, Trust god today,Famous Bible Verses, Encouragement Bible Verses, jesus christ bible verses , daily inspirational quotes with images,  bible verses for inspiration, Leadership Bible Verses,: Proverbs 31:10 says [ Description of a Worthy Woman ] An excellent woman [one who is spiritual, capable, intelligent, and virtuous], who is he who can find her? Her value is more precious than jewels and her worth is far above rubies or pearls.
Please, please know that you are loved.  You are loved by so many, so many, so many.  You may not feel like it right now, saying and arguing, "yeh, right!" but it's true. 
You are so valuable. 
Okay, let us move on...

This season, let's unwrap the gift God gave you.  You!  What is one thing you can do for yourself to show that you are worthy?  God already said you are worthy, but sometimes those imaginations creep and crawl into our brains. 

Speaking of which, if you have not read or seen Dr. Caroline Leaf's teachings, you really must.  Click on this link to take you to a wonderful place to learn and grow.

Dr. Caroline Leaf- Bringing Toxic Thoughts into Captivity

Her teachings will help you to understand what God has done for us in our brains and bodies. 
 caroline leaf -:

Kenneth and Gloria Copeland and their special guest, Dr. Caroline Leaf. You are accepted by the Father because of the sacrifice of Jesus. God’s wisdom is available to every believer...here’s Kenneth. http://www.kcm.org/watch/tv-broadcast/whats-your-mind-0:
 So, if you are in fear, it will grow because it is going where your thinking is. 

Those toxic thought are poisonous and diabolical.  The negative self talk, the fear, the worry, the wondering if's, all those will not allow God to come in and take on what you need him too.  It also says that you are more powerful than God.  Wow! 

No matter the hurts that have happened in your past, you have to let them go.  You must move on, forgive and let it go.  I know it's hard, been there, but when I started forgiving those that hurt me, I began to feel a release that only God can give. 

Dr Caroline leaf:  

So, my friends, let us all do each other and God a favor.  Let's start giving him that 12 min. a day to pray, to Worship, to allow God to work through us and to give Him all we are. 

Motivational Quotes: Let us pray...

Do not worry about ANYTHING. Not school, not friends, not relationships, nothing! Instead, talk to God about it.:


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