Strong towers

The Scriptures tell us in Proverbs 18:10
The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth unto it, and is exalted (or Safe).
Vintage Grace: Bible Marginalia- The Gift of Community:
Sometimes it's very difficult to see the tower that gives us safety.  For whatever reason, we have blinders on and can not see it.  Or we have something blocking the knowledge that we can really know that our Lord is a strong tower and we can run to him. 
Psalm 61:3 also tells us For thou hast been my hope, and a strong tower against the enemy.
Isaiah 40:29 says He gives strength to the weary, And to him who has no might He increases power.
Exodus 15:2 says “The Lord is my strength and my song, And He has become my salvation; This is my God, and I will praise Him; My father’s God, and I will exalt Him.
All the Promises of God | God did not promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, nor ...: Sometimes we are going through something and we can not see God's hand on our life, but he is always there.  He IS right there with you.  You may not be able to see him or maybe even feel him, maybe you're not really even a believer of the Lord Jesus.  But I can tell you, he is always there whether you want him to be or not.  He awaits.  He seeks and he is still there.  When you call out to him, even in the darkest of thought, hours, or times He is right there.  When you are in your darkest times, when all hope seems gone, when the weight seems so great and you don't feel like anyone is there, I can tell you that HE IS there.  I know, I have been down that path.  But there are scriptures that I remember that brought me out.  Even when D passed to heaven, oh man!  I was so down, but I had remembered verses that brought me out.  "The Lord is my Shepherd, He created in my mother's womb and no one knew.  God knows every single hair on my head."  So many just kept me above the depths.  Knowing the promises of God helped.  Sometimes we don't know though, sometimes that depth is so murky and dark, so much stuff just holding us down.  But I have to tell you, the good news, Jesus is right there holding on to you.  He does not want you to be there, he wants all his promises to come through you. 
prayers for strength and comfort | and Spiritually Speaking: My Prayers Have All Been Answered: He gives us a place in His Kingdom, even when life seems wonderful or crazy.  He desires our hearts and our health to advance His Kingdom.  I am not trying to be a downer, really.  I am not down, but I know this life can bring us into anxiety and we are fretful.  It can bring health issues and we can not seem to get over them ourselves without prayer or meds or both.  Maybe it's the children, maybe there is a lot going on that is out of your control and maybe, you just need that hug to help you move through it.  {{}}. 
Maybe it's just your everyday stress, know that He is there.  Right there with you.  Just call on his name and he will be wherever you are.
Today, call on Him, JESUS!  I need you in my every moment of everyday.  I need your strength, your power, your love, your grace, your PEACE, your HEALING.  Jesus, come, please come and anointed me with you oil.  From My head to my toes and fingertips to fingertips.  COME Lord JESUS Come!
Prayer of Faith.: Today, let us both start a new.  A new way of thinking, believing that God's best is all He wants and it's really what we should want as well. 
So, how do we find out what God's best is for us?  What if "I just don't know".  Start by asking Him.  He does answer but you need to be still and listen, really listen.  
If you love what you are doing, love your job, love the people that you are around, than you are doing what you are called to do.  If you are miserable, than find what you are happy about.  What is your dream, follow it if it has peace to it.  Love what you do and you will be working for the Lord when you do the job that you love.
A prayer for when you feel like giving up:  


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