VIPKID is an Incredible job

I love this Job!

I'm a Campground missionary and do this as a part time job (15-18 hours a week-30-36 classes) and it has brought in a good chunk of change!
I have taken time to figure out what works for me.
I make more with them working part time than I did working in the classroom.
I have been with them for 6 months. I teach English to kids in China. They have offices in California and Beijing and follow all US laws like any other company. It is #5 on Forbes list of the best company to work from home in 2017.
It's for ages 4-15 and they are working on a 15+ curriculum.
You set your own schedule. You teach one child at a time for a 25 minute class.
I make $xx an hour and there are lots of opportunities for bonuses. There is little prep needed and you just login and read from a Power Point and that's it! Easiest thing ever. Seriously. But I take notes on each child so I know the main idea of the lesson.
I teach 4-5 classes 5 days a week since we are currently in Mountain Time.
When we move to the Eastern Time I will do more classes.
You can adjust your schedule as needed, remembering to put your family first.
For us, our goal is to save everything and pay the taxes. If your state doesn’t have a
State tax, the Fed Tax is 15.4% and put that away right away.
You are considered an independent contractor and it is recommended
that you save 30% of your pay for taxes. You get paid once a month.
Literally the easiest thing you could do. You just need a webcam and reliable internet.
You also have to have a bachelor's degree (in anything), a North American accent,
and 1 year experience working with children (in any way!). You do not need a teaching license.
The hardest part of this job is simply getting hired. There is a 3 part process: interview
(live or you can record a video) with someone in the US or China where you teach a 10 minute beginner lesson, Mock Class 1 where you teach a lesson to an American teacher,
and Mock Class 2 where you teach a lesson to an American teacher.
If you are willing to work a little in the morning (eastern time midnight to 10am and
9 pm to midnight) there is a lot of money to be made! You set your own schedule (really!).
There is no minimum amount of hours you have to work. It's an extremely easy job
and it's legitimate.
A few things you will need: Alphabet cards, a Meg and Mike (this can be a Barbie
and Ken doll or a copy and laminated paper doll on Popsicle sticks),
reward systems- dollar store 3-d stickers put on magnets, and a puppet and
an Orange T-shirt. You may add stuff as you determine the need, but being mobile,
the stuff I bought, most was not needed.
Aside from your base pay ($14-22) an hour so $7-11 per 30 minute class) you earn: $1 bonus per class for showing up on time. $1 bonus per class for teaching over 45 classes a month (super feasible) $1-2 bonus per class if they are booked short notice (you have the option of allowing
parents to schedule a class with you with less than 24 hours notice)
As a side note, if you don't get hired, you may reapply using a different email address
and you may have a better chance of getting hired. They only hire about 10% of
applicants but once you're hired this is a breeze. (but right now until August 31, 2017
you can be hired now!)
Here are some tips. Speak very slowly and I suggest wearing red lipstick (if you want) because it pops on camera and it helps because they can clearly see your lips. If you
don't wear lipstick then make sure your lighting is good. Speak slowly and be silly.
Use hand movements and props like puppets and flashcards.
Keep your language simple! Really simple! For example, if you need the person to circle something on the screen say "circle" while making the hand movement. Don't say
"can you circle this please?" I suggest putting sticky notes on the computer with your
exact phrase for each slide so you don't get tripped up. They provide you with the
lesson, but unlike the actual VIPKid lessons, they don't provide the Teacher directions
on the bottom haha.
Make sure your lighting is good and your background is either educational
(posters, fabric, etc) or plain.
It's a 3 part interview process. Each are about an hour long but it is worth it. The first interview you will video chat (or choose to record a video demo) with a person in China/America and teach a 10-15 minute basic lesson. The 2nd and 3rd time you will
teach a lesson to an American teacher. So fun!
Also, correct the student/interviewer! If they say a word wrong, correct them. Point at
your lips and say the word then put your hand by your ear indicating you want to hear
them say it. Hand movements are your best friend.
In the meantime watch any of the videos by Nancy Taylor for insight.
It's so much fun!!!! Some of the kids are fluent and you can have real conversations with them. I love it! I wake up in the morning 1 hour before my class starts, brew some coffee,
get the dogs out, check my internet connections (being on the road and using wifi
sometimes throws me into the hotspot mode), throw on an Orange T-Shirt, for me,
some makeup because I am really pale, and red lipstick and I'm ready to go! They want
the teachers to be silly so some people wear wigs or silly glasses etc. Overview of the VIPkid Recruitment Process:
Step 1 at VIPKID- Registration:
Step 2 at VIPKID-Interview:
Step 3 at VIPKid- Initial Teaching Prep:
Step 4 at VIPKID- Mock Classes:
Step 5 at VIPKID- Contract and Info:
If this is something you feel called to do, you feel like the extra money and time spent
in a great environment (your own space), you desire to stay home with your children
and you have your degree, well then, this is for you.
Use this link to go to the site and sign up.
This is the code number if you need it. 01U42S
Even with our nomadic lifestyle, we are able to work this. It takes a great hotspot
(we use Verizon prepay) and pay for 10 GB but add more if needed. We also
bought a WEbooster to help with our connections.
A few places it has stopped us is Custer SD. In those mountains, it just wouldn’t beam enough. I love this job and it’s not really a job anymore to me, it’s a way of life that
has saved my life.
If you have any questions regarding this lifestyle of being a nomad or a VIPKid Teacher,
let me know, I would love to help.
Peace, Janette


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