Walk away from your call?

For 3 1/2 years we have called this home.  And prior to that we had a house for 3.5 years, the house sucked the life out of us.
 We know we were called out of ministry to go save one that Jesus wanted.  Longer story there, but we obeyed.  In church ministry, that was one of our first themes, to Obey. Our last "theme" was "Stand on My WORD and Know Me".  These are my amazing kids!  Most are graduated or in high school now.  We LOVED worship! 

We did as we were asked, after 5 years we left the people that we loved and saw great things happening.  SO, our first rig was a 2007 Cherokee.  This was okay but it wasn't "home".  We spent two summers in this.  Our first time out was Easter 2008.  We were so thrilled!  It was amazing!We lived in it from Easter to Oct. and then we rented a land lease for 6 months the next year.  I was going to school and working full time with those awesome kids above. 

When the Lord called us out, we traded this PAID off Rig, for this next one.  Oh, this one was awesome! 16 ft x 14 ft living space.  But it was SO COLD in the winter!  The floor was SOO COLD!  We went camping with our church families and it was a blast!  
 This was an Open Range, 2010 Front living room, back bedroom. 
We were 56 feet long!  We loved this home on wheels but we owed a lot on it. 

We moved into Omaha KOA for 3 months!  There was a ton of snow on the ground and it was 14 degrees out!

This was in Florida, with some of the work-camper friends we made in Milton FL.  They kidnapped us for a wedding.  We were in line at 3 pm. for a 6 pm wedding!  Yes, we are those people!  
These are our friends Kathy and Jim and they live close to where we are currently hanging out in Summerdale Al. 

 So, after having parked this for 3 1/2 years while living in a house. We decided it was time for a Motorhome.  So, we sold it and the truck and bought this TERRIBLE, TURD FILLED TERRA!  This thing was so bad!  But we did put about 8,000 miles on it in 2 mo. It was small and uncomfortable! 

So, the shop called us and said, WE HAVE A RIG for you that will work!  Low miles, no payment. 

We love this rig!  3 1/2 years later and I don't want to move.  Oh we thought we were going to!  We were ready to GIVE up the Call to the Campgrounds that the Lord has placed us on. 

This is Miss Mary.  She is our rescue girl and doctors Rx. 
This is our fur collection!  Mary, Peter, Cleo.  

Peter Yun

Our first work camping job after the 3 1/2 year house fiasco was to Beaver UT.  This is Bryce Canyon. These other pics are from a small town we found. 

While we hung out in TX, we went to Dinosaur State Park.  It was fun! 

So, my title, Walk Away from your call?  When we are called to something, it never gets revoked.  Oh we can try to walk away but if we listen closely, we can hear that STILL SMALL voice!  No matter what happens, we are to stay in our call.  If it's hard, pray about it.  If it is easy, than you better really pray about it. 

This man in the white beard is Santa Claus.  We had a great conversation with him.

 Mackinac Island was fun.


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