
Is it time for an update? Try a statement-making wall clock. We've got plenty... HomeDecorators.com #walldecor #clocks
Where does time go when you have been sitting in the same spot for months?  It seemed to vanish before we even knew we were done.

We have been in Summerdale AL after a 7,000 miles drive through some incredible places.  We went from Florida to Nebraska by way of Cleveland TN for a conference. Then up to St. Louis into Nebraska for a down home visit.  We left there and headed into the UP of MI. I had internet the entire trip.  I was able to work as much as I wanted. Some weeks I worked every morning and prayed over the internet every time.  We use 3 Verizon Jetpacks and 2 cell phone hotspots.
I have worked with VIPKID as an independent contractor for 2 years and on my 3rd year now.  The VIPKID Dino-Store

If this is something you believe in your heart you can do too, I want you to come along with us on this ultimate teaching adventure. This is my link:  VIPKID From America to China  It is the most fun you can have and stay at home in your yoga or sweat pants.  Here are the requirements.  In some cities they are doing a "fast track" and it takes about 4 hours and you get through.  It's easy, fun, and lots of learning.  This job is not a hoax, joke.  This is a real job with real pay.  Travel anywhere and get paid to teach. 
So, here we are again.  The long black trailer sold a few months ago.  It housed our once upon a time, dream Harley.  We sold that 2 yrs ago to pay off the SUV that fit into the trailer too.  Now we will be towing the car behind us.  Cleaning out the trailer was tough.  All my ministry books, most of them are gone.  Sad...
But we were 64 ft long and got pulled over in Michigan and they measured us.  If we were 65 ft we would have needed a CDL, as it stands with our MHome we don't need one.  Whew.  So, we went to Mac. Island a town without cars.  It was okay.  We visited the Fort up there, the towns are little, small and not much in them.  We headed down to Toledo KOA, yuk.  It was Memorial Day weekend and it was terrible.  We are not complainers but we do like to have room to move and breathe, not really much here.  I was able to do a lot of classes these days too.  We then moved up to Niagara Falls.  That was fun.  We took the Maiden of the Mist boat trip.  It was amazing.  We saw so many people from China there!  It was awesome!  

Toledo KOA 

Toledo KOA

Mackinac Bridge 

The Streets of Mackinac Island

Lake Superior

Steve at Lake Superior Mac. Island

Mackinac Island.

We then drove down to Elizabethtown PA and Gettysburg.  WOW!  Found out my 8 time uncle Gen. George A. Custer just got out of West Point and was in this battle, he was on the north's side.  We found his monument. I was surprised and happy.  I have a place in history! 
We stayed about 4 days here, but we will return again.  It is a place you can easily cover in days and enjoy the tears and triumphs of the people.  Both believed they were right, both fought hard, valiantly, and sadly many lives were lost in the battles all around this area.  

In August of this past year, our great grandbaby girl was born.  She is adorable, like her mom.

She is now 4 months old.  Momma is going to go back to school and work on her 2 yr. degree in nursing, as of this writing.

After 4 years of growth, it was time to cut my hair.  It was a long decision, but I am so glad I did it.  I have found a place to donate it.

This is an incredible group of women down here in S. Alabama/Mississippi/ and Florida.  We are all VIPKID teachers, some new and some not so new. 

We leave this area in two weeks for Waco TX.  See ya down the road. 
I will post our next adventures soon.
His Peace.


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