
Under the Mackinac Bridge in Upper Michigan, Lake Superior and Lake Huron meet. It was spectacular! 

The expanse of time.  Where does time go?  It's just gone in our memories.  One day passes to the next and sometimes we have a lot to show for it and at times we have nothing to show for it. 
I found a poem that reflect this sentiment.

A Poem About Time

Published: October 2016
Time is slow, time is fast.
It never stops, but it always lasts.
It's time for bed, it's time for school.
To waste your time is to be a fool.

If the time is right, the timing will be perfect.
Having the time of your life will always be worth it.
Some spend their time mad,
Some spend their time sad.
For some people time is all they ever had.

Some spend their time and some people save it.
Some love wasting time and some people hate it.
People waste time being in jail
People waste time being mad when they fail.

Some people have lots of time to spare.
Others spend their time not having a care.
It's time to stop, it's time to go.
Time can move fast or it can move slow.

You can lose yourself or lose your mind,
But as life goes on you will never lose time.

 These are our travel buddies, they love adventures, they love whatever comes their way.  They are excited to see and do whatever is on the plan. 

 Paul Bunyan and Big Blue Ox.  They dominated this area in the folklore.
Dino loves to travel.  He got a bit dirty looking out the window though. 

 This is Roonie, she is a great rig for us.  She is a workhorse and she is amazing!  She has many miles left, but after this trip maybe not as many as we may think.
This is my classroom.  Ready to go!

 This is my lesson book.  I write out every lesson, so I have kept them.  I write all my classes out in a notebook.  I can tell how many classes I have booked, who changed or dropped, and it helps me to look back over the year and see what last year was like for bookings.  It also allows me to see the kids I have had or want back

I love this shelf!  It is a shoe rack.  The baskets, Dollar Tree finds.  These are so easy to grab during class, but also to pull out and use for classes.
 I have changed out my lamps.  I have a lamp now with 5 lights because it needed to be brighter.

We love this life and can not wait to experience the Northwest!
We will be going to and visiting about 16 states this time. We have all our needed reservations and checked on towers and internet in each spot. I will have to work in Pacific time zone, at 2:30 am., ugh! My kids are used to that time. Life is so much fun! I can't wait to show them where we are. I keep a map behind me and have talked about the travels when it comes up. I have stars on the places we have been. I show them the prop of a motorhome I have and I write notes to parents to let them know of our travels.
Every Christmas, I like to include at least one handmade (by us) gift for the boys. This year's gift are these fun slingshots! And yes, Levi is in these photos, playing with his gift before Christm...We will slingshot in this travel.  From East to West, then back. Kind of a figure 8 maybe.  Overall, it will be fun and we will see more than we will be able to absorb.  We will spend from a few days to a month in areas we really want to explore.

We will be going to Memphis after Cleveland TN's conference, to see Graceland and the music areas.
We will need to change the oil after this 10,000 mile trip!  Our biggest one yet! 
We will need to trust in our planning, in our rig, in each other and in HIM above all that.  This is the year of seeing because we don't know what will happen next.  We don't know what tomorrow will bring so we will travel.
Travel as much as you want, as far as you can, as long as you can. Life's not meant to be lived in one place

Check out these 19 magical things to do in Glacier National Park with kids! We highly recommend planning a family trip there this year! #Glaciernationalpark #Montana #Glacier #Bucketlist #roadtrip #TravelDestinationsUsaMontana
WASHINGTON COAST | washington coast the washington coast is america s most rugged
Oregon Coast
HWY 101, Oregon Coast. Mile by mile. The views around Seal Rock and Florence's charming shops are definitely worth the stop! We will be in 4 places on this map: Near Long Beach WA, then to Tillamook OR and Lincoln City OR, down to Crescent City CA for a month.  We will go up to Klamath Falls OR. We will move from there to Salt Lake City UT and eventually to Colorado Springs for a Right Now Word from the Lord through a ministry there.
Downtown Klamath Falls, OregonNatchez Trace Parkway We travelled it from Tupelo, Mississippi to Natchez, Mississippi

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