Trust and VIPKID travels!
Update:::::4/30/2019 -530 pm!! Now four shocks have to be replaced!!!!!! Uhhhhhggggghhhhh--ouch! The workers came over at about 2:20 and said we can work on the motorhome now! So it took Steven I about 15 minutes to tear down I had to hurry up and get the dishes done cuz I usually do them at night, and we're here! We may be able to take off in the morning! So I have two classes in the morning, 6:30, and 7. So we're going to get the road in the morning and we have four days to do with whatever we want.- hahaha! Just kidding right? NO! They have to order the shocks, sit tight. I CAN'T just sit tight!
We have been in Nacogdoches TX for over a week. We came to replace our water heater and get a buzzer taken off. But they did a 24 point free inspection and found out we needed the suspension airbags and when they put them on, they found out we needed shocks when they put the airbags in. This is going to cost us about $6,000!
Being full time RVers is not always easy, not always an adventure, and not always going the way you want it to. It is a road less traveled and a road that is not for wimps. You are in a small space with your loved one, dogs, cats, 340 square feet and no place to really escape! Traveling is fun, but for us it takes a lot of planning!
Working with VIPKID as an ESL teacher has some incredible benefits! We are able to work all over the world! 60,000 teachers who speak English as a first language, have their bachelor's degree, who have taught in a school setting, teaching credentials or willing to take VIPKIDS Tesol (Teaching English), before you are put into the classroom. That is a hard but not bad test. It takes about 15 hours to complete but it takes commitment. In fact this job takes a huge amount of commitment.
If you call in sick to work, if you don't like to work or you are a complainer, this job is not for you.
If you are committed to loving others in other countries, you are excited to see what you are capable of, you are excited to teach and stay home or make extra cash then apply. You will find a ton of information on YOU TUBE, Nancy Taylor is amazing and Awesome. Stephanie Rivera is too. Both are helpful, kind, caring and their videos are too.
If you are looking at being a digital nomad, you will need Verizon or AT&T because these networks are strong in most places. National Parks, nothing works there!
This is an incredible blessing to me and my family.
If you want to join me as a teacher for VIPKID, you will be an independent contractor, you will pay your own taxes, depending on your state. You can take of your supplies on your taxes or you can take off a lump sum.
VIPKID Janette
No matter how brave we are, we here in the Sanne rolling house, still need Jesus daily. We need HIM to take on these feelings of anger, hurt, rejection, pride, and more. We need HIM daily. Every breath we breathe, every step we take, we need HIM. No matter how much we planned, we have to trust that HE has a better plan. As I pray these prayers, I am broken into tiny pieces- pride, hopes, plans, money, rejection, storms of life, hard work for the past few months, there they are scattered on the floor waiting. Waiting to be put back in their unrightful place, But they can't be, those are what held up the blessings from flowing down. Sometimes those setbacks are good because they allow the new blessings to come forth. Sometimes the pride of all we have done gets in the way of all God wants to do. We will sit at the feet of Jesus today, humble ourselves and rely on HIM and not our own understanding, but in all our ways, HE will direct our path.
Here I am feeling sorry for ourselves bc we are stuck in the shop. But when I look at what the weather we would have been in, I am grateful that we are here. I am grateful that we will have to plan deeper than before because I have a full load for classes next week and we have to try and travel. We will be taking our time getting up north. Tornadoes and major storms going through OK, KS, AR, but missed upper TX. Snow in Nebraska and Montana. LORD have mercy. Lord Jesus, I am sorry for doubting your goodness for us, but I pray for those affected by these raging storms. These are powerful and they are life threatening Lord, put your angels all around them. Lord, you are the God of ALL, you are the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. You are Jehovah Rapha (our healer), El Elyon (Most High), You are Jehovah Jireh (our provider), El Roi (The God who sees Me), Yahweh Shalom (our peace). You are the I AM. When we call on your name Lord, there is peace! These storms are not from you, they are from the one who roams the earth looking to destroy everything but You oh Lord get blamed for these disasters and storms as "acts of god", but you oh Lord are not that god, you are GOD, The I AM, You oh Lord know the hearts of man, you know the deepest thoughts of man, you oh Lord, come now! Come into the deepest parts of us and redeem us from the hands of the enemy that roams the earth to and fro, looking to whom he can destroy next. Lord, keep us safe in your hands as you take care of the birds in the air, so keep us safe too. Jesus', Amen.

Because today, I am grateful! I fell in love with Jesus during a tough period in my life. It's been 34 years of really going after God's heart and knowing HIM. Scriptures don't lie but man perverts scripture to fit their own needs and desires. Man waters down the WORD of GOD to fit as well. Global Warming, God said the earth will pass away. But if you don't know scripture and you don't know Jesus or the Trinity, you won't know what some are trying to quote as truth or perverted truth.

Being full time RVers is not always easy, not always an adventure, and not always going the way you want it to. It is a road less traveled and a road that is not for wimps. You are in a small space with your loved one, dogs, cats, 340 square feet and no place to really escape! Traveling is fun, but for us it takes a lot of planning!
Working with VIPKID as an ESL teacher has some incredible benefits! We are able to work all over the world! 60,000 teachers who speak English as a first language, have their bachelor's degree, who have taught in a school setting, teaching credentials or willing to take VIPKIDS Tesol (Teaching English), before you are put into the classroom. That is a hard but not bad test. It takes about 15 hours to complete but it takes commitment. In fact this job takes a huge amount of commitment.
If you call in sick to work, if you don't like to work or you are a complainer, this job is not for you.
If you are committed to loving others in other countries, you are excited to see what you are capable of, you are excited to teach and stay home or make extra cash then apply. You will find a ton of information on YOU TUBE, Nancy Taylor is amazing and Awesome. Stephanie Rivera is too. Both are helpful, kind, caring and their videos are too.

This is an incredible blessing to me and my family.
If you want to join me as a teacher for VIPKID, you will be an independent contractor, you will pay your own taxes, depending on your state. You can take of your supplies on your taxes or you can take off a lump sum.
VIPKID Janette
No matter how brave we are, we here in the Sanne rolling house, still need Jesus daily. We need HIM to take on these feelings of anger, hurt, rejection, pride, and more. We need HIM daily. Every breath we breathe, every step we take, we need HIM. No matter how much we planned, we have to trust that HE has a better plan. As I pray these prayers, I am broken into tiny pieces- pride, hopes, plans, money, rejection, storms of life, hard work for the past few months, there they are scattered on the floor waiting. Waiting to be put back in their unrightful place, But they can't be, those are what held up the blessings from flowing down. Sometimes those setbacks are good because they allow the new blessings to come forth. Sometimes the pride of all we have done gets in the way of all God wants to do. We will sit at the feet of Jesus today, humble ourselves and rely on HIM and not our own understanding, but in all our ways, HE will direct our path.

When I wrote Man Plans his Ways but the LORD directs his steps and makes them sure. Now, we know why we were delayed besides the stabilizing airbags. Be careful! "Dangerous thunderstorms are on the horizon today across portions of the Plains and Midwest. From central Texas northward into the Ozarks, and further north into south-central Illinois, residents will have to watch for threatening skies that will impact their plans this afternoon and evening.
A large system moving across the northern and central Rockies will bring snow to the higher elevations of Colorado and Wyoming today as colder air filters into the Dakotas. Further south, warm and humid air originating from the Gulf of Mexico will travel northward across the central and southern Plains, and into the Middle Mississippi Valley. As these two air-masses collide, the potential for scattered to strong thunderstorms will occur later this afternoon and evening.
The Storm Prediction Center has issued an Enhanced Risk from southwest Missouri into east-central Oklahoma, and extreme northern Texas, for the potential of severe thunderstorms containing large hail, damaging winds, and a few tornadoes."
So we pray, we pray for the weather, we pray for our selfish feelings.

Because today, I am grateful! I fell in love with Jesus during a tough period in my life. It's been 34 years of really going after God's heart and knowing HIM. Scriptures don't lie but man perverts scripture to fit their own needs and desires. Man waters down the WORD of GOD to fit as well. Global Warming, God said the earth will pass away. But if you don't know scripture and you don't know Jesus or the Trinity, you won't know what some are trying to quote as truth or perverted truth.

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