Look OUT Life!

 What a wild ride this summer has brought us.  We left Waco at the end of March for Nebraska.  It was supposed to be a 3-day trip, it was an overnight trip.  

Our dog Peter had lymphoma for about 8 months and while we had him checked out in Nacogdoches, TX, we knew his time was coming to an end.  During the last two vet visits, he sat on our laps, we talked about it briefly putting him down, but just couldn't do that.  He would sit in the dark bedroom and look through the darkness and you could see his nose and his white fur, and we knew it was almost time.  We got the truck hooked up to the motorhome, came back in, and Peter jumped off his seat and tried to get back up but was stuck, he simply froze and could not move.  I picked him up and put him back on his seat, he laid down and took his final breaths and that was it.  He passed to Heaven.  I know he is in heaven because I do.  

How can you not love this face?  Peter was the most gentlest dog except when it came to other dogs, he did not much care for them. 
But when it came to loving his mom and dad, gramma Sanne, his aunts, he loved them greatly.  It's been 4 months and while it is not easy getting through the grief, it is a blessing to know that you had such a great love that it changed your life.  
Peter loved to be warm and loved to be covered up in the mornings when I chose not to turn the heat on.  He also loved being squished and wrestled with.  
This is how we brought Peter back to Nebraska, but with a cool blanket on top of him and an open window so it stayed cool.  No, in this pick he is not dead here, simply sleeping during my classes.  But this is how we brought him up to Nebraska. He was our baby.  

We have been spending more time in the WORD of GOD and it is taking us deeper into our relationship with HIM. Steve was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer and we are working to rid it. Life changes rapidly, be prepared to change course, and don't worry about planning.  Planning can wait, but the life of a loved one has to come first.  



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