Waiting/Wading in the UNTILS until .... part 2.

Hello, Welcome back....

So, in the last post about the UNTILS, we left with the scriptures in our hands and hopefully in your heart as well.  But I felt that there is more to our story than just the scripture.  I know, for me, there is more to this story.  

I have always been a planner, I guess one could say wading in the UNTILS.  

I love planning but what I have realized over the course of this past year is that wading in the UNTILS doesn't really allow GOD free Reign in our lives.  "Man plans his ways but the LORD directs their steps and makes them sure."  

We know when we get ahead of God, He can make us flip on a dime.  He has and sometimes we have had to eat the change. 

As RVers, our years and seasons begin to blend together.  Maybe for you too.  We have been living the RV life twice.  Once for about 2 years.  In the first years, Steve was deeply in debt, most would see NO WAY OUT!  But we got out of it.  I met Steve in Norfolk, I was not ready to meet anyone.  We were working for a company that paid just $8 an hour.  We got beat up and called on the carpet for what our clients did, but it was a paycheck and though it was hard work, at times it was Heart work. Steve had been working there for about 2 years before I showed up.  He prayed for me when I was struggling through classes.  We began to talk and found we had much in common.  I was in college again and so was my grown daughter. About 9 mo. later, my daughter got married and moved. I knew I did not want to live in a small town, I had my sights on bigger.  Steve ended up getting a better-paying job driving all over Omaha and I worked for a nasty lady who owned a business.  I began to pray about the next step.  Those were WAITING in the UNTILS.  I was out of a job for two months, Steve was deep in debt, but GOD.  I got a  dream job, for me it was.  I worked as a Children's Pastor.  I loved what God had done and what Steve had done praying at every interview outside in the car.  3 Interviews later and I was offered the position. 

It took 18 months to pay off Steve's debt.  Living in Omaha allowed us to SEE GOD's WORK and WORD at hand.  

We bought our first trailer and truck.  Paid it off in 18 months.  But it also allowed us to travel to Colorado and Texas on our vacations.   

In 2009 the Lord called us out, we waded in the UNTILS for the school year, but with a command.  To TEACH these CHILDREN and adults to STAND ON MY WORD.  God did amazing things that year calling on people who may or may not have known the WORD of GOD intimately. 

In 2008, we had taken our first trip in the travel trailer and decided then we could live like this.  We did, we were out every weekend, sometimes staying two weeks at one park and moving to the next.  There were three in the area.  It was expensive but living in our apt. after this, we just could not do it. We gave up our apt. the next year for a land lease. The winter we were called out was brutal.  

Steve had been planning.  But we still needed to work.  We had been praying and got a call from Rhonda at KOA.  She hired us right then.  We knew we would have to buy a better rig for the road.  It about broke us but she traveled the byways and highways for a while.  She took us to Oklahoma, Florida, and Texas. 

These were NOT really untils, but they were a result of the Untils. 
We got Mary the little one in Gatlinburg after seeing a Doctor in Florida.  

We got Cleo just a few months later in Waco, he followed us home. He was just 8 weeks old then. 
We got Peter in TX because Mary had started to act like Cleo and she needed a dog. 

Both the dogs are in Heaven now.  Cleo misses them.  

We are not waiting for another to bless us.  We loved them but we don't think we will be getting another soon. 

We traded our travel trailer in for a motorhome and she took us over 60,000 miles around 40 states. 

Roonie took us from The Pacific to the Atlantic and to the Gulf of Mexico a few times.  She ran hard and she ran fast.  The furrbabies loved her.  I taught for 5 years in her.  She was the best coach.  But we traded her for Gracie when she began to nickel and dime us.  

Gracie has not traveled as much yet as Roonie, but she has taken us to TN, MT, NE, ND, SD, and everywhere in between.  Sadly, she won't be our forever home on wheels as we have a plan, but remember, Man plans his ways, but the Lord directs our steps and makes them sure.  

We are in Waco working for a while, UNTIL we can save up enough to move on.  Cancer bills set us behind, $9,500 worth behind.  Glad insurance paid but STILL.  UNTIL.  

We have so many things left to see and do and be.  But UNTIL...

be blessed beyond measure.  


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